Com 2--Eq2-5.4 a + b Flashcards
Causes of Migration
There is more work in London
Are t enough skilled people in England; migrants fill up these jobs
Similar ethnicity migrants migrate to the same areas as they will want to be with family or people who have similar ethnic backgrounds
Reasons for inequality (income and employment)
Newham and Richmond
26% of adults educated to degree level
Low adult income reduces chances of a good education so future household income is low
64% of adults educated to degree level
Must be wealthy to live in Richmond, meaning people can afford better education and get higher future income
Reasons for inequality (Education)
Newham and Richmond
41% of 19 yr olds with no qualification
Teachers get paid more as they closer to the city, 5-16yr old education is better
37% of 19yr olds with no qualifications
Teachers get paid less as they are not in central but education after GCSEs is better as there are more opportunities
Reasons for inequality (health)
Newham and Richmond
12.3% of people have a limiting long term illness
Access to healthcare is reduced so minor problems may not be detected and grow to become major ones
7.6% of people have a limiting long term illness
Better access to healthcare means problems are detected and treated much earlier.