Com 1--Eq 2-3.5 Flashcards
Why has Lagos’ population historically
- The city was under British colonial rile during colonial time and therefore was a centre of trade
- This attracted traders and merchants to the city
- Many ex-slaves also came to Lagos from Brazil, Sierra Leone and the West Indies to return home after the slave trade
Why has Lagos grown (1960s-1990s)
- After Lagos gained independence there was rapid economic growth and independence due to their oil export which made some very wealthy
- The government financed lots of construction projects eg. Building sea ports, oil refineries and factories which created jobs and rapid urbanisation
- Lots of people moved to Lagos from rural Nigeria
How has Lagos grown recently
- Majority of population growth is due to rural-urban migration
- Bordering countries are poor and involved in conflicts eg. Chad and Niger
- National migrants from northern Nigeria where there is ethnic and religious conflict and high levels of poverty
- Some international migration from the US, UK and China to work in the TNCs
- Natural increase is still high, birth rates are higher than death rates
Changes in land use due to population growth
- City expanded outwards, rising house prices in the inner city mean people are moving out to the RUF
- Land has been reclaimed from the lagoon so land around the CBD is valuable and in high demand, gated communities and huge houses have been built on these new islands eg. Banana Island and Eko Atlantic
- Some slums have become more permanent with 3-4 storey flats
- Some parts of the Makoko slum have been removed by the government to allow for development of desirable areas on the waterfront