Com 3--Topic 7 Flashcards
Distribution of rainforests
Near the equator as they have the most intense light and a constant growing season due to their continued position in the light of the sun
Distribution of temperate forests
Above the equator at about 50°-60°N
Western N. America, Russia and Siberia
Why are forests found at low pressure zones
Fall between two rising cells leading to the formation of clouds
Clouds bring higher levels of precipitation so allow forests to grow
How biomes change with altitude on mountain sides
Temp falls 0.5° -1°C for every 100 meters climbed
Mountains exposed to wind and high precipitation
Slopes get steeper and soil get ps thinner
Forest biomes are replaced by hardier species like grasses
How alkaline rocks change the vegetation type
Limestone rocks produce alkaline soils, due to their permeability they are relatively dry
These factors lead to beech trees replacing oaks or preventing their growth all together
Eg limestone pavements in yorkshire
How does rock type affects drainage
Sandy soils contain air gaps meaning water can easily drain so they’re normally dry, plant must have a tolerance to drought
Clay soils have few air gaps meaning less drainability. Puddles form and they hold nutrients and support wheat beans and grasses
Provisioning goods
Products obtained from ecosystems
Supporting services
Keep the ecosystem healthy so it can provide other services
Eg nutrient cycling and soil foration
Regulating services
Link to other physical systems and keep areas, and the planet, heathy
Eg storing carbon, purifying water
Cultural services
Benefits people get from visiting or living in a healthy ecosystem
Carbon sequestration
Process of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and ‘locked up’ in biotic materials