Cognitive heuristics - research Flashcards
Shiner (2015)
irreversible decisions seem to yield the most satisfaction
especially with satisficers - adequate decision - ‘that will do’ - can’t change it
optimisers tend to prefer reversible
may depend on individual differences
Correia (2014)
Conclusions drawn from these results include
1) If you are a maximizer, you are more likely to feel regret after every purchase;
2) those who are maximizers are more likely to take steps in returning a product and voicing their dissatisfaction;
3) the younger you are, the more likely you are to be a maximizer;
4) the more power you feel you have in society, the more likely you are to be a maximizer.
Marketing managers should be aware of these findings when designing their customer service models
Kannengiesser et al. (2019)
This paper analyses design protocols of professional engineers and engineering students using the FBS schema, testing two hypotheses related to the use of
system 1 and system 2 thinking. These two modes of thinking are characterised as: one that is fast and intuitive (system 1), and one that is slow and tedious (system 2). Their relevance for design thinking has already been shown conceptually. This paper provides empirical support for the existence of system 1 design thinking and system 2 design thinking.
The empirical results presented in this paper show that system 1 thinking is used in design and plays an important role based on its relative occurrence. It confirms previous observations and characterisations of design processes
that led to the formulation of Hypothesis H1, which stated that design thinking comprises system 1 and system 2 thinking. Further analyses of existing protocols or results from new experiments are needed to have robust support these two conclusions.
Bago and De Neys (2019)
Influential work on reasoning and decision-making has popularised the idea that sound reasoning requires correction of fast, intuitive thought processes by slower and more demanding deliberation. We present seven studies that question this corrective view of human thinking. We focused on the very problem that has been widely featured as the paradigmatic illustration of the corrective view, the well-known bat-and-ball problem. A two-response paradigm in which people were required to give an initial response under time pressure and cognitive load allowed us to identify the presumed intuitive response that preceded the final response given after deliberation. Across our studies, we observe that correct final responses are often non-corrective in nature. Many reasoners who manage to answer the bat-and-ball problem correctly after deliberation already solved it correctly when they reasoned under conditions that minimised deliberation in the initial response phase. This suggests that sound bat-and-ball reasoners do not necessarily need to deliberate to correct their intuitions; their intuitions are often already correct. Pace the corrective view, findings suggest that in these cases, they deliberate to verify correct intuitive insights.
Aven (2018)
In the field of risk perception and behavioural decision-making, a dichotomy is commonly made by two modes of thought: System 1, which operates automatically and quickly, instinctively and emotionally, and System 2, which is slower, more logical, and deliberative. A considerable body of literature exists linking this dichotomy to risk analysis. It is argued that, to properly respond to and handle risk, both types of thinking are needed; they are complementary. However, current risk assessment practice is to a large extent founded on System 2 thinking. System 1 thinking is associated with affects and risk perception, separated from the professional/scientific risk assessments. The present paper argues that this practice is rooted in a traditional risk assessment perspective, highlighting probabilistic and statistical modelling and analysis. Using broader and recent perspectives on risk, highlighting uncertainties instead of probabilities, there is a potential to improve this practice and to also obtain a stronger use of System 1 thinking in risk assessments. The aim of the paper is to provide substance to these theses, by formalising the issues raised and outlining suitable approaches and methods for how to obtain the desired integration of both System 1 and System 2 thinking in professional risk assessment and management.
Khatri et al. (2018)
Most models of technology adoption and use assume a rational decision maker engaged in thoughtful deliberate consideration of the new technology. However, recent research in psychology concludes that such deliberate, rational, conscious decision-making (termed System 2 cognition) has less influence on behavior than originally thought; nonconscious automatic cognition (termed System 1 cognition), which is often influenced by personality characteristics and pattern matching based on past experience, also plays a key role in most decisions. As users adopt and use new technologies time and time again, a set of general expectations about new technology adoption begins to emerge. A user’s personality combined with this pattern of positive and negative experiences creates System 1 heuristics that are triggered when a user faces a similar decision in the future. The focus of this paper is to examine the extent to which the predispositions produced by System 1 automatic cognition – both enabling and inhibiting – versus the deliberate technology assessment produced by System 2 cognition influence technology adoption and use. We found that enabling predispositions influences the formation of intentions to use a new technology, and both enabling and inhibiting predispositions influence an individual’s ultimate follow through in acting on his or her intentions and actually using new technologies. Our research suggests that concepts previously seen as “determinants” of technology adoption and use (e.g., performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions) are not really determinants but rather are important partial mediators in a larger nomological network that includes both automatic System 1 cognition and deliberate System 2 cognition.
Johnson et al. (2016)
A long prevailing view of human reasoning suggests severe limits on our ability to adhere to simple logical or mathematical prescriptions. A key position assumes these failures arise from insufficient monitoring of rapidly produced intuitions. These faulty intuitions are thought to arise from a proposed substitution process, by which reasoners unknowingly interpret more difficult questions as easier ones. Recent work, however, suggests that reasoners are not blind to this substitution process, but in fact detect that their erroneous responses are not warranted. Using the popular bat-and-ball problem, we investigated whether this substitution sensitivity arises out of an automatic System 1 process or whether it depends on the operation of an executive resource demanding System 2 process. Results showed that accuracy on the bat-and-ball problem clearly declined under cognitive load. However, both reduced response confidence and increased response latencies indicated that biased reasoners remained sensitive to their faulty responses under load. Results suggest that a crucial substitution monitoring process is not only successfully engaged, but that it automatically operates as an autonomous System 1 process. By signaling its doubt along with a biased intuition, it appears System 1 is “smarter” than traditionally assumed.
Lau and Redlawsk (2001)
This article challenges the often un- tested assumption that cognitive “heuristics” improve the decision-making abilities of everyday voters. The potential benefits and costs of five common political heuristics are discussed. A new dynamic process-tracing methodology is employed to
directly observe the use of these five heuristics by voters in a mock presidential election campaign. We find that cognitive heuristics are at times employed by almost all voters and that they are particularly likely to be used when the choice situation facing voters is complex. A hypothesized interaction between political sophistication and heuristic use on the quality of decision making is obtained across several different experiments, however. As predicted, heuristic use generally increases the probability of a correct vote by political experts but decreases the probability of a correct vote by novices. A situation in which experts can be led astray by heuristic use is also illustrated. Discussion focuses on the implications of these findings for strategies to increase input from under-represented groups into the political process
Fiedler (2000)
A cognitive-ecological approach to judgment biases is presented and substantiated by recent empirical evidence. Latent properties of the environment are not amenable to direct assessment but have to be inferred from empirical samples that provide the interface between cognition and the environment. The sampling process may draw on the external world or on internal memories. For systematic reasons (proximity, salience, and focus of attention), the resulting samples tend to be biased (selective, skewed, or conditional on information search strategies). Because people lack the metacognitive ability to understand and control for sampling constraints (predictor sampling, criterion sampling, selective-outcome sampling, etc.), the sampling biases carry over to subsequent judgments. Within this framework, alternative accounts are offered for a number of judgment biases, such as base-rate neglect, confirmation bias, illusory correlation, pseudocontingency, Simpson’s paradox, outgroup devaluation, and pragmatic-confusion effects.
Gilovich et al. (1985)
We investigate the origin and the validity of common beliefs regarding “the hot hand” and “streak shooting” in the game of basketball. Basketball players and fans alike tend to believe that a player’s chance of hitting a shot are greater following a hit than following a miss on the previous shot. However, detailed analyses of the shooting records of the Philadelphia 76ers provided no evidence for a positive correlation between the outcomes of successive shots. The same conclusions emerged from free-throw records of the Boston Celtics, and from a controlled shooting experiment with the men and women of Cornell’s varsity teams. The outcomes of previous shots influenced Cornell players’ predictions but not their performance. The belief in the hot hand and the “detection” of streaks in random sequences is attributed to a general misconception of chance according to which even short random sequences are thought to be highly representative of their generating process.
Ehrig and Schmidt (2019)
The heuristics strategists use to make predictions about key decision variables are often learned from only a small sample of observations, which leads to a risk of inappropriate generalization when strategists misjudge regularities. Building on the statistical learning literature, we show how strategists can mitigate this risk. Strategies to learn heuristics that accept a bias, that is, a systematic deviation of predictions from actual outcomes, can outperform unbiased strategies because they can reduce the variance component of prediction error: the degree to which random fluctuations in observational data are inappropriately generalized. We demonstrate how strategists who are aware of the trade-off between bias and variance can learn heuristics more effectively if they are also aware of the relevant characteristics of their learning environment. We discuss the implications of our results for our understanding of heuristics, (dynamic) capabilities, and managerial cognitive capabilities, and we outline opportunities for empirical work.
Miller and Sanjurjo (2018)
We prove that a subtle but substantial bias exists in a common measure of the conditional dependence of present outcomes on streaks of past outcomes in sequential data. The magnitude of this streak selection bias generally decreases as the sequence gets longer, but increases in streak length, and remains substantial for a range of sequence lengths often used in empirical work. We observe that the canonical study in the influential hot hand fallacy literature, along with replications, are vulnerable to the bias. Upon correcting for the bias, we find that the longstanding conclusions of the canonical study are reversed.
Rothlind et al. (2019)
Method: The present study investigated these hypotheses using a common-metric approach (Rothlind, Dukarm, and Kraybill, 2016). Participants included 199 adults, recruited from community sources, including healthy adult volunteers and individuals at-risk for neuropsychological impairment secondary to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive status or active heavy alcohol consumption or both. Immediately following completion of standardized neuropsychological tests, participants estimated their own performance percentile ranking.
Results: Both high and low-scoring examinees displayed a conservative bias in ranking their own neuropsychological performance. However, lower scores were associated with least accurate self-appraisals overall.
Conclusion: Findings suggest that cognitive impairments are associated with lower accuracy in self-rating of cognitive ability, but also that normal biases complicate interpretation of self-appraisal ratings across the spectrum of neuropsychological functioning. The importance of recognizing these biases in clinical research and practice is emphasized, and directions for future research are discussed.
Nilsson et al. (2008)
The idea that people often make probability judgments by a heuristic short-cut, the representativeness heuristic, has been widely influential, but also criticized for being vague. The empirical trademark of the heuristic is characteristic deviations between normative probabilities and judgments (e.g., the conjunction fallacy, base-rate neglect). In this article the authors contrast two hypotheses concerning the cognitive substrate of the representativeness heuristic, the prototype hypothesis (Kahneman & Frederick, 2002) and the exemplar hypothesis (Juslin & Persson, 2002), in a task especially designed to elicit representativeness effects. Computational modelling and an experiment reveal that representativeness effects are evident early in training and persist longer in a more complex task environment and that the data are best accounted for by a model implementing the exemplar hypothesis.
AlKhars et al. (2019)
Purpose: Operations managers are subjected to various cognitive biases, which may lead them to make less optimal decisions as suggested by the normative models. In their seminal work, Tversky and Kahneman introduced three heuristics based on which people make decisions: representativeness, availability, and anchoring. This paper aims to investigate the six cognitive biases resulting from the use of the representativeness heuristic, namely, insensitivity to prior probability of outcomes, insensitivity to sample size, misconception of chance, insensitivity to predictability, the illusion of validity, and misconception of regression. Specifically, the paper examines how cognitive reflection and training affect these six cognitive biases in the operations management context.
Methods: For each cognitive bias, a scenario related to operations management was developed. The participants of the experimental study are asked to select among three responses, where one response is correct and the other two are biased. A total of 315 students from the University of North Texas participated in this study and 302 valid responses were used in the analysis.
Results: The results show that in all six scenarios, >50% of the respondents make biased decisions. However, using simple training, the bias is significantly reduced. Regarding the relationship between cognitive biases and cognitive reflection, the results partially support the hypothesis that people with high cognitive reflection ability tend to make less biased decisions. Regarding the effect of training on making biased decisions, the results show that making people aware of the existence of cognitive biases helps them partially to avoid making biased decisions.
Conclusion: Overall, our study demonstrates the value of training in helping operations managers make less biased decisions. Our discussion section offers some related guidelines for creating a professional environment where the effect of the representativeness heuristic is minimized.
Kulkami et al. (2019)
Under-triage of severely injured patients presenting to non-trauma centers (failure to transfer to a trauma center) remains problematic despite quality improvement efforts. Insights from the behavioral science literature suggest that physician heuristics (intuitive judgments), and in particular the representativeness heuristic (pattern recognition), may contribute to under-triage. However, little is known about how the representativeness heuristic is instantiated in practice.
A multi-disciplinary group of experts identified candidate characteristics of “representative” severe trauma cases (e.g., hypotension). We then reviewed the charts of patients with moderate-to-severe injuries who presented to nine non-trauma centers in western Pennsylvania from 2010-2014 to assess the association between the presence of those characteristics and triage decisions. We tested bivariate associations using chi(2) and Fisher’s Exact method and multivariate associations using random effects logistic regression.
We identified 235,605 injured patients with 3,199 patients (1%) having moderate-to-severe injuries. Patients had a median age of 78 years (SD 20.1) and mean Injury Severity Score of 10.9 (SD 3.3). Only 759 of these patients (24%) were transferred to a trauma center as recommended by the American College of Surgeons clinical practice guidelines. Representative characteristics occurred in 704 patients (22%). The adjusted odds of transfer were higher in the presence of representative characteristics compared to when they were absent (aOR 1.7, 95% CI: 1.4-2.0, p < 0.001).
Most moderate-to-severely injured patients present without the characteristics representative of severe trauma. Presence of these characteristics is associated with appropriate transfer, suggesting that modifying physicians’ heuristics in trauma may improve triage patterns.