CNS Flashcards
What is a different name for the cerebral peduncles?
Crus cerebri
Do the cerebral peduncles contain motor or sensory firbres?
Motor ONLY
Loss of sensory modalities in left T3
Loss of spinothalamic from T4 down on the right
Loss of dorsal coloumn from T4 down on the left
Left side of the T3 cord segment
(Brown-sequard syndrome)
Loss of sensory on contralateral
loss of DC below contralateral
loss of spInothalamic Ipsilateral
Why would a patient feel no pain in his leg after a car crash?
Increased activation of enkephalinergic neurones in the spinal cord
How might damage to the thalamus affect movement?
Decreased movement
In the internal capsule where will the fibres of the lower limb be found?
Posterior limb
Why would a stroke affecting the lateral aspect of the motor cortex affect swallowing?
Denervation of the cranial nerve nuclei which distribute LMNs in the vagus nerve
Which structure in the midbrain is important for motor control?
Red nucleus
Which brain structure is crucial for consolidation of implicit memory?
Cerebellum (non-declarative)
Which epilepsy would describe a boy who ‘stops paying attention/zones out’ before continuing where he left off?
Petit mal/Absence seizure
A rapid onset of dementia in young people is suggestive of what?
Prion disease
Occlusion of the proximal portion of the superior cerebellar artery may lead to damage to which other structure?
Which artery is effected with a ‘right homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing’?
Left posterior cerebral artery
(MCA backup for macula)
What effect will deep brain stimulation have on OCD patients?
Increased excitation of GPi and Substatia nigra reducing cortical avtivation
Inhibiting re-entrant loops
Where do you find the most D2 receptors?
- Substantia nigra
- Striatum
What type of schizophrenia presents with inappropriate laughter, thought disorder and child-like behaviour?
Hebephrenic schizophrenia
Which is not recommended for long term use in the management of anxiety?
(addictive and severe side effects)
The raphe nuclei produces which neurotransmitter?
Seretonin (5-HT)
Internuclear opthalmoplegia can be caused by damage to which pathway?
Medial longitudinal Fasciculus
(coordinates eye movements)
What is Brown-Sequard syndrome and how does it present?
Hemisection of cord destroyed
Loss of ipsilateral dermatome
Loss of DC modalities below CONTRALATERALLY
Loss of spinothalamic modalities below IPSILATERALLY
A seizure in which lobe could cause olfactory hallucinations?
Temporal lobe
(contains the primary olfactory cortex)
Which nerve runs parallel to posterior communicating artery?
(aneurysm here will cause CN III palsy)
What is the prevalence of OCD?
Which lobe causes a superior or inferior homonymous quadrantanopia?
Superior - temoral
Inferior - parietal
Which part of the ventricular system is deep to the cerebellum?
Fourth ventricle
A woman presents with a widely dilated pupil, where is the problem?
Oculomotor nerve
Where does the facial nerve leave the skull?
Through the stylomastoid foramen
Why would a patient have DC modalities lost in one side of body and ST loss in other side?
DC ispilateral - decussate at medulla
ST contralateral - 2nd order neurones decussate at level of 1st order neurone
Why would ST loss appear lower than DC?
ST has Lissauer’s tract (axons can ascend 2 segments before synapsing on second order neurone)
If somebody has increased movement on R side of body, which basal ganglia is injured?
L side - L basal ganglia regulates L motor cortex which controls R side of body
Where does the CN III & CN VI nucleus sit?
CN III nucleus - Midbrain
CN VI - Pons
Where will the motor loss be after a L sided cord destruction?
What maneuver can be used to help elicit a patella reflux?
Jendrassik Manoever (trying to pull fingers apart)
What nuclei make up the striatum?
Caudate and Putamen
What nuclei make up the lentiform nucleus?
Globus palldus and Putamen
In which region of the brain is the substantia nigra?
Mid brain
What specific part of the spinal cord is damaged if spinothalamic modalities are lost?
Anterior (Ventral) White commisure
What does a +ve Rhomberg’s test show?
Sensory ataxia
Which tremor and rigidity do you get with Parkinsons?
Cog-wheel rigidity
Resting tremor