CMN Flashcards
Why are these pathogens grouped together?
they all produce mycolic acid
Cord factor (TDM)
virulence factor that’s a specific type of mycolic acid, induces granulomatous rxns
iron chelator needed for growth
Why do you need glycerol to culture Mycobacterium?
glycerol is needed to synthesize mycolic acids
Treatments for Mycobacteria?
1:1000 bleach and 2% NaOH (they are resistant to both acid and alkali)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
infects alveolar macrophages
Mycobacterium bovis
reportable, TB in cattle, zoonotic
Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP)
reportable, causes Johne’s disease!!!
Problems with Mycobacterium treatment?
difficult, long course, resistance develops rapidly
Unique ID feature of Corynebacterium?
club shaped; store inorganic phosphate in older cells that look like metachromatic granules
Is corynebacterium responsible for disease?
it can be, but it’s commensal so could be on anything!
Caseous Lymphadenitis
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis makes cheesy lymph nodes in sheep and goats, abscesses possible with systemic spread
Corynebacterium renale
short stumpy rods, causes pizzle rot (urine scald from ammonia and infection)