clinical anatomy Flashcards
clavicle clinical anatomy??
1… common fracture at meeting of two curvature……
2… congenital absent or imperfectly developed. “ CLIEDOCRANIAL DYSTOSIS” .
1…. “WINGING OF SCAPULA “- paralysis of the serratus anterior, arm cannot abduct beyond 90degree
2…..”SCAPHOID SCAPULA” -developmental anamoly ,where medial border is concave
1…..common site of fracture of humerus are SURGICAL NECK , SHAFT , SUPRACONDYLAR RIDGE
2….supraccondylar fracture is common in young age can cause VOLKMANS ISCHEMIC CONTRACTURE caused by occlusion of brachial artery
3……head of humerus commonly dislocate inferiorly
1….fracture commonly at 2cm above lower end having (COLLES AND SMITH )fracture
2.if the distal end go’s dorsal then — COLLES
if distal end goes ventral then SMITHS
2….SUBLUXATION OF HEAD OF RADIUS (pulled elbow ) if sudden powerful jerk in child hand , dislodge the head of radius from annular ligament…..
1.the Shaft of ulna may fracture either alone or with radius
2….dislocation of elbow - olecranon process shift posteriorly
3….fracture of olecranon process common
fracture of chronic process is uncommon
4 …..MEDLUNG DEFORMITY dorsal subluxation of lower end of ulna , due to retarded growth of lower end of radius
how many muscle get attached to scapula
shoulder joint
clavicle dislocation forwards , backward rare
dislocation : more prone than other joints , more prone to anterior and posterior
shoulder tip pain : irritation of peritoneum underlying diaphragm
* aspiration from below the acromion processes
*frozen shoulder —-
elbow joint
1..distention of elbow effusion occurs posteriorly
2..dislocation associated with fracture of chronic process
3…tennis elbow - in repetitive wrist extentension
4.students elbow – as elbow flexed bursa of olecranon inflamed
5…golfers elbow – micro trauma on medial epicondyle of humerus
6…carrying angle normal is 13 degree ,more than tha causes cubits valgus ,less than that cubits varus
wrist joint
1…. metacarpophalangeal kljoint and inerphalangeal joint prone to rheumatoid arthritis
2…back of wrist is common site for ganglion
3 the joint is immobilized in 30 degree dorsiflexin
1..bone marrow for examination is obtained by manubriosternal puncture
2…anamoly FUNNEL CHEST – the sternum is depressed
3..PEIGION CHEST - upward protection of sternum
4…ectopia cordis - non fusion of sternal plates
1…paracentesis thoracis–aspiration of fluid from 8th intercostal space
2…pleurisy: inflammation of pleura a] accumulation of fluid - pleural effusion b] dry pleurisy is painful
3.. pneumothorax ::: presence of air in pleural cavity
4….haemothorax :::: presence of blood in pleural cavity
5….hydropneumothorax ::::: both fluid and air in plural cavity
6…empyema :::: presence of pus
7 irritation on costal and perephral part of diaphragmatic pleura having reffered pain to abdominal wall and thoracic wall
8….mediastinum and central part of Dia pleural having referred pain to tip of shoulder
9…pain on right side of shoulder —- inflammation of gallbladder
pain on left side of shoulder —- splenic rupture
10..pleura extend beyond thoracic cage a) right xipicostal angle b) right and left costovertebral angle c) right and left side of root of neck as cervical dome of pleura
1.. brochoscopy
2…carina where the trachea divides a) postural drainage - patient lie on left side and drainage from right bronchus comes towards carina
2….paradoxical respiration - flail seg of rib inside during inspi and out during expiration
4..bronchial asthma
5..auscultation of lung 🫁 upper lobe at 4th rib . lower lobe on back , middle lobe heard at 4th to 6th ribs of right
6…foreign bodies likely to be lodged in superior seg of lower lobe becoz it more dependent
- intercostal neuralgia
2..Hodgkins syndrome enlargement of lymph nodes
3 ..mediastinum syndrome , svc obstruction, pressure over trachea
1…pericardial effusion – reduces cardiac output. drain left 5th and 6th intercostal space
2.inflamation of pericardium – pericarditis
❤️ heart
1… dextrocardia apex on right side
2 … situs inversus — all thoracic and abdominal viscera are mirror image of normal
3.. tachycardia
5..positive diastolic pressure in ventricle is a sign on failure of ventricle
6…heart failure due to 🫁 lung dis is called as cor pulmonale
7..narrowing of valve orifice –
8– aortic regurgitation or aortic incompetence
9— thrombosis of coronary artery
10— angina pectoris spasm of coronary artery
11 angiography angioplasty
12… coronary bypass is done by using great sphanous vein or internal artery as graft
clinical of ovary
prolapse of ovary
*ovarian cysts –can cause [stein leventhal syndrome] deep voice hirsutism
*carcinoma of ovary *endometriosis —commonest site having [chocolate cyst]
fallopian tube
1..salpingitis inflammation of tube
2… sterility [patency of tube by rubin test , hysterosalpingography ]
3tubal pregnancy
4 tubectomy
stomach clinical
hyposthenic stomach
gastric carcinoma
peptic ulcer
pyloric obstruction
spinal chord clinical anatomy
lumbar puncture
in child done at —L4
In adult done at —-L3
CONUS MEDULLARIS SYNDROME— injury to S2 -S4 seg of spinal
CAUDA EQUINA SYNDROME– 💔 damage to cauda equina
poliomyelits- affected to ant horn paralysis of lower motor neuron
TABES DORSALIS– occurs at tertiary stage of syphilis
medulla clinical
medial medullary /determine syndrome
due to blockage of anterior spinal artery 🚫
# Lateral medullary /wallenberg syndrome blockage of posterior inferior cerebellar artery 🚫 🆗️
# injury to part of medulla oblongata -injury to vital centers
#balbar palsy - weakness of muscles supplied by 7th to 12th cranial nerves
#pusedobalbar palsy -bilateral lesion of corticonuclear fibers
pones clinical
pontine haemorrhage–rupture of pontine branches of basilar artery
#cerebellopontine angle
#Millard guber syndrome—damage of 4th and 7th nerve 😤
#tumors of Pons– astrocytoma common in child
mid brain clinical
webers syndrome-
benedickts syndrome -
parinauds syndrome -
cerebellum clinical
cerebellar dysfunction
anterior lobe lessio—-gait ataxia
neocerebellar lession – incordination of voluntary movement
speech defective
thrombosis of artery
cerebrum clinical
jacksonian epilepsy
#agraphia - difficulty in writing
#Frontal eye feild - person cannot voluntarily move his eye towards the side of lesion
# speech area - lesion of brocas area