Class 7 - Motivation, Emotion, Health Flashcards
a need or desire that energizes and directs behavior
Instinct theory
focuses on genetically predisposed behaviors
a complex behavior that is rigidly patterned throughout a species and is unlearned
Drive-reduction theory
focuses on how we respond to our inner pushes and pulls; idea that physiological need creates an aroused state that motivates an organism to satisfy the need
Physiological need
a basic bodily requirement
a tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state; regulation of any aspect of body chemistry
a positive or negative environmental stimulus that motivates behavior
Arousal theory
focuses on finding the right level of stimulation
Yerkes-Dodson law
principle that performance increases with arousal only up to a point, after that performance decreases
Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
focuses on the priority of some needs over others
Motivational concepts
- Instinct theory
- Drive-reduction theory
- Arousal theory
- Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Hunger motivation
- Glucose
2. Ghrelin
sugar that circulates in the blood and provides major source of energy for body tissues
hunger-arousing hormone secreted by an empty stomach
Affiliation need
need to build relationships and to feel part of a group
deliberate social exclusion of individuals or groups
excessive self-love and self-absorption