class 7 Flashcards
European Parliament
what does the european parliament do to the EU?
It makes the EU more transparent, more open, and more democratic (rule by the people) and has grown extremely in size. 78 members to 720 members of parliament
in Brussels and Strasbourg
what are the roles of the European Parliament?
a. the power to legislate (debate and vote on legislation)
b. budgetary powers
c. democratic scrutiny and supervision (especially commission with accountability)
d. appointment and dismissal of the Commission
e. external relations (mainly council and commission but also involved mostly in enlargement)
who does the parliament adopt legislative with*?
The council
name five differences between European parliament and the national parliament.
- the power to legislate in Canada for eg is the House of Commons (parliament) in the European Parliament (task is shared with the council)
- bicameral (Canada with house of common and senat) European parliament (unicameral)
- parliament seated in circle (not exciting)
- few parliaments that are as diversed
- very big parliament but it is bigger, like the Chinese with 3000 members
explain the organization of the national representation of the European parliament
720 members of parliament
Germany with 96 seats (most in treaty also maximum)
Cyrpus, Luxembourg and Malta – 6 meps’
clearly overrepresented when we look at 1 seat per certain percentage of the population
what are the two largest groups in parliament (parties)
a) European People’s Party (center right group) 188 seats
b) progressive alliance of socialists and democrats (social democratic political group) 136 seats
explain the power and position of the European parliament.
a. gradual increase in power (direct elections and co-decisions)
b. extremely low turnout
why is there a low turnout during elections?
- not promoted enough
- european issues
- no government at stake
- distance
- the monthly road show
what is the monthly road show?
sit in Brussels for 3 months and then a recession in Strasbourg EXTREMELY costly (waste of time and money not a good rep)
how many judges are there in the Court of Justice of the European Union?