Class 1 Flashcards
The European Union focuses on ____ after WW2
on the aspect that they were all Europeans, should work together and come up with common agreements so there wouldn’t be more wars
what are the two groups
a. the unionists (wanted an intergiv cooperation where countries came together and creating a european international org
b. federalists thought that they should create a federation that should replace the nation state
what is the council of Europe (when)
the Council of Europe (1949) Almost 50 countries are members (not russia) shallow org where there a no diff criteria for joining but it is a forum for exchange
who is jean monnet and how did he influence europe?
french bureaucrate. thought the union of europe would not lead to anything because it wasn’t cohesive. pragmatiste functioned on what would work for europe. 1943 came up with an idea.
what is the monnet proposal
france and germany becoming allies and get them to collaborate on some issues, if successful itll spread
should collaborate on coal and steel production (symbol of weaponry (coal and steel)
supranational cooperation france and germany would give away sovereignty on coal and steel to common institutions between france and germany
sectoral integration (start in a sector and it’ll spread to other)
what did the monnet proposal turn into, and who accepted it?
the schuman declaration and 9th of may 1950 – the plan had been welcomed by:
the french cabinet (government)
the german chancellor (adenauer)
the US president (truman)
who was the focus on in the monnet proposal?
France and germany but also open for the participation of ither countries (had to give away sovereignty on coal and steel, lose sovereignty if part of it
what is the ECSC and what is it proceeded by, when?
Schuman declaration and it is the European Coal and Steele Community, 1951
what established the ECSC and who agreed to join
treaty of versailles, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands
who are the six founding members of the EU
Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands
what are the institutions established within?
- High Authority consists of reps from the member states but are not supposed to defend national interest supoosed promote european interests. promote interest of europe
- council of ministers (represents interest of member states (ministers of governments)
- common assembly (european parliament today) representing the people of europe
- court of justice
when and what did the treaty of rome establish?
The treaty of rome (1957), became effective in 1958, established
the european atomic energy community (EURATOM)
the european economic community (EEC)
who were part of the Treaty of Rome
Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands
explain stagnation
economy is growing more than other countries in europe because of trust and sharing (troc) 50% in 2 years. all institutions are working well, but stagnation takes over in the 1960s
who brought stagnation and why?
Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970). he had a very nationalistic outlook on the EU, say it as an instrument to promote france. was in favor of intergov and not supra-nationalism. became president in 1958 made sure that france interest was always the most importantwh
what did Charles de Gaulle’s stagnation bring?
this brought the chair crisis (july 1965- january 1966) told all reps to not come to work. he boycotted the EU institutions because the president of the european commissions was pushing for more supranational ideas. would not accept to give away french sovereignty. that created a huge crisis. was solved in 1966 because of the Luxembourg compromise → france agreed in supranationalism but there was implemented a veto for the nations that could be used in sensitive national interest at stake. the European commission had to be careful in the promotion of new projects
keeping britain out, britain wasnt interested in giving away sovereignty si they created the inner six (EC) vs. the oyrer seven (EFTA) who collaborated without giving sovereignty was lead by UK, joined by denmark, sweden, norway, portugal, switzerland, austria. the british then applied for the EC membership in 1961 and 1967. charles de gaulle used his veto both times. french veto against british membership
first enlargement
negotiations started with 4 countries which commenced un 1970
Norway is not a member (53% voted no)
January 1973: 6 → 9 members (Denmark, Ireland and the UK)
what is Eurosclerosis
synonym of stagnation: economic crisis in Europe (oil embargo from middle east, ect.)
personal problems (the EU is always working to drive it forwards but problems between the leaders)
british membership was difficult, acted like intergovernmentalist fought against very initiative to deepen and create new policies
end of 1970s many people that the monnet project was dying lots of pessimismhe
what is the merger treaty?
merged the ECSC, EEC and EURATOM, signed in 1965 and came effect in 1967