Class 6: Blood and Heart Flashcards
Cardiovascular system refers only to the
heart and blood vessels
Functions of the circulatory system
transport, protect, regulate
adults have…. of blood
4-6 L
blood is a liquid…
connective tissue consisting of cells and extracellular matrix
erthrocytes are
red blood cells
platelets are located…
in bone marrow
leukocytes are
white blood cells
two types of leukocytes
granulocytes, agranulocytes
what machine separates the components of blood?
plasma is the …. portion of blood
serum is identical to…. except for the absence of …
plasma, fibrinogen
3 major categories of plasma proteins are
albumins, globulins, and fibinogen
plasma proteins are formed by the
viscosity refers to the
resistance of a fluid to flow
osmolarity of blood refers to
the total molarity of those dissolved particles that cannot pass through the blood vessel wall
Hemopoietic tissues produce
blood cells
what tissue produces all seven formed elements?
red bone marrow
Red blood cells are shaped
like a disc with a thick rim
RBCs major function is
gas transport
33% of cytoplasm is…
Hemoglobin binds…. to …. at it’s center
O2 to ferrous ion (FE2+)
RBC count and Hemoglobin concentration indicate…
the amount of O2 that blood can carry
erythropoiesis (RBC production) needs which nutrients?
Iron, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C and Copper
kidney produces…., which stimulates….
erythropoletin, bone marrow
stimuli for increasing erythropoiesis include
low levels of O2, high altitude, increase in exercise, loss of lung tissue in emphysema
spleen is where red blood cells go to…
macrophages are specialized to
digest membrane bits and eat them up
liver removes the…. and secretes it into…
billirubin, bile
polycythemia is an…
excess of RBCs
Dangers of polycythemia are:
increased blood volume, pressure, and viscosity
Anemia is caused by
- inadequate erythropoiesis or hemoglobin synthesis
- hemorrhagic anemia from bleeding
- hemolytic anemia from RBC desctruction
Inadequate B12 can cause
pernicious anemia
3 potential consequences of anemia
- tissue hypoxia and necrosis
- blood osmolarity causing edema
- low blood viscosity
ABO Blood type is determined by the…
presence or absence of antigens
Blood type O has which antigens?
Neither A or B
Antigens are…
-complex molecules on the surface of a cell membrane that is unique to the
-Determine the blood type
Antibodies are…
proteins secreted by plasma cells (gamma globulins)
Agglutination causes
clumping of RBCs. Happens when wrong types of blood mix.
Universal Donor
O-negative. Missing antigens
Universal Recipient
type AB- rarest
Antibodies for type A
Anti-B, same for other blood types
Leukocytes are
White Blood Cells
WBCs are split into two groups
- granulocytes
- agranulocytes
Granules have
Types of Granulocytes
- neutrophils
- eosinophils
- basophiles
Types of Agranulocytes
- lymphocytes
- monocytes
Neutrophils fight off
bacteria. phagocotize bacteria.
Eosinophils are increased in
parasitic infections, collagen diseases, allergies, and diseases of the spleen and CNS
Basophils increase in numbers in
chicken pox, sinusitis,
Agranulocytes are involved in
immunity, have an anti cancer job
Lymphocytes secrete
antibodies and provide immunity
Monocytes leave the…. and transform into…
bloodstream, macrophages
leukopenia is
a low WBC count
Leukocytosis is a
high WBC count
Leukemia is…
cancer of hemopoietic tissue (marrow)
hemostasis is the…
cessation of bleeding
in blood clotting, the ….. form together to make a ….
platelets, plug
platelets secrete…, which promotes…
procoagulants, clotting
hemophilia is a
clotting disorder
Thrombis is a…
blood clot
an embolus
a thrombis that has dislodged and is traveling through the blood
The pulmonary circuit is
on the right side of the heart
the systemic circuit is on the
left side of the hears
Cardiocytes are…
striated, shor, thick cells.
Intercalated discs join…
cardiocytes end to end
Repair of damage of cardiac muscle is almost entirely by
fibrosis (scarring)
Cardiac muscle uses aerobic or anaerobic respiration
cardiac muscle has huge…
cardiac muscle is vulnerable to
oxygen deficiency
cardiac muscle is fatigue…
pericardium is a…
double-layered sac with fluid
outer wall of pericardium is called
the parietal pericardium
the inner wall of the pericardium is called
the visceral pericardium
Heart wall consists of
The endocardium consists of the
smooth inner lining of the heart and blood vessels
the myocardium is the… it’s proportional to…
muscle of the heart, work load
left and right atria are on the top/bottom
superior and inferior vena cava recieve…. go to
deoxygenated blood, right atrium
goes through the right bicuspid valve into the
right ventricle
left pulmonary artery carries blood…
away from the heart to the lungs to be oxygenated
arteries carry blood… the heart
away from
veins carry blood… the heart
Right AV valve has
3 cusps (trucuspid)
Left AV valve has
2 cusps (mitral or bicuspid)
Semilunar Valves control
flow into the great arteries-open and close because of blood flow and pressure
systole is the
contraction of the heart chamber
diastole is the
relaxation of the chamber so it fills with blood
the left pulmonary vein is carrying
oxygenated blood-because it’s coming from the lung
Know the movement of blood in the heart
Angina Pectoris is…
chest pain from partial obstruction of blood flow
myocardial infarction is…
sudden death of a patch of myocardium (ht muscle). Heart attack
Cardiac Conduction System functions to
coordinate the heartbeat
Sinoatrial Node is the
pacemaker of the heart
Cardiac Conduction cycle
- sa node fires
- excitation spreads through the atrial myocardium
- the AV node fires
- excitation spreads down AV bundle
- Purkinje fibers distribute excitation through the ventricular myocardium
a ventricular fibrillation is a serious
arrhythmia. will kill quickly
valvular stenosis causes
cusps to stiffen and the valves will not close all the way
mitral valve prolapse
where mitral valve cusps will bulge into the atria during ventricular contraction
P wave means the atria…
T wave means the atria…
are repolarizing
Cardiac cycle is…
one complete contraction and relaxation of all four chambers of the heart
sounds of the heart are made by the valives…
the lubb-louder and longer
is the AV valives closing
the dupp- softer and sharper
is the semilunar valves closing
Cardiac Output is…
-the amount of blood ejected by ventricles in one minute
increasing either the ht rate or the stroke volume increases the…
cardiac output
3 variables govern stroke volume
increased preload causes…
increased force of contraction
starling principle means
ventricles eject as much blood as they receive
afterload is the
blood pressure in the aorta and pulmonary trunk immediately distal to the semilunar valves
Heart Rate Averages
Males: 64-72 bpm
Females: 72-80 bpm
Infants: 120 bpm
Tachycardia definition
Resting Heart Rate Above 100 bpm
Bradycardia definition
Resting Heart Rate Less than 60 bpm
cardiac center is located in which part of the brain?
proprioceptors are located in the
muscles and joints
baroreceptors signal the
cardiac center
baroreceptors sense…. in the ….. and…. arteries
pressure, aorta, internal carotid
chemoreceptors are sensitive to
blood pH, CO2, and O2 levels
Hypercapnia and acidosis stimulate the cardiac center to…..
increase the heart rate
chronotropic chemicals will affect the
heart rate and neurotransmitters from cardiac nerves
(3) drugs that stimulate the heart:
1) nicotine
2) thyroid hormone
3) caffeine
K+ has a great chronotropic effect
slows heart rate down
hypercalcemia is an… causes…
excess of Ca, decrease in heart rate and contraction strength
hypocalcemia is an…. causes…
deficiency of Ca, increases heart rate and contraction strength
Coronary Artery Disease is a ….
constriction of the coronary arteries
Myocardial Infarction is death of…. due to….
myocardium, lack of oxygenated blood
CHF stands for
congestive heart failure- ventricles are not ejecting the blood effectively
left ventricular failure causes the blood to back up into the
lungs causing pulmonary edema
right ventricular failure causes blood to back up into
the vena cava, causing systemic edema