class 2 Flashcards
What is mitral regurgitation?
incompetency of mitral valve causing backflow from left ventricle to left atrium
What is mitral stenosis
Narrowing of mitral valve impeding blood flow from left atrium to left ventricle
What is aortic regurgitation
incompetency of aortic valve causing backflow from aorta to left ventricle
What is aortic stenosis
Norrowing of aortic valve obstructing blood flowfrom left ventricle to ascending aorta
What is Ischemic heart disease
disorder of heart due to insufficient blood supply
What is congestive heart failure
slow narrowing of coronary arteries causing hypoperfusion of myocardium and pump failure
What is leading cause of death worldwide
ischemic heart disease
What can cause infarct
sudden occlusion of a major coronary artery causing infarct
What is stable angina described as
crushing chest pain, precipitated by exercise or strain
What causes angina?
any condition that alters:
* blood supply to myocardium
* blood requirements of myocardium
pathogenesis of angina
narrowed or obstructed blood vessels limit blood supply
What is Chronic stable angina
- Preceded by exercise or stress
- relieved by stress or nitroglycerin
- Classic exertional angina
Prinzmetals angina
vasospastic or varient angina
- similar to typical angina
- caused by coronary artery spasm
- Usually occurs in morning - not related to exertion
Decubitus angina
Resting angina
- Atypical
- Occurs when lying down
- more prevalent in women
Unstable angina
- Residual ischemia triggers angina
- unpredictable
Treatment for angina
What is a myocardial infarction?
Development of ischemia with resultant necrosis of
myocardial tissue
What causes a myocardial infarction
Due to occlusion of a coronary artery
How often can death occur for myocardial infarction
Death occurs in 25% of cases due to arrhythmia
(ventricular fibrillation), heart block, pump failure,
asystole (cardiac arrest)
Treatment for myocardial infarction?
Treatment – medications, surgery
⬧ Resuscitation must be immediate or death will
What can myocardial infarction lead to?
Can lead to cardiac arrest, cardiogenic shock,
multisystem organ failure (brain, kidneys), myocardial
rupture (cardiac aneurysm), mural thrombi
What is congestive heart failure?
A condition in which the heart is unable to pump
sufficient blood to supply the body’s needs
Which side does Congestive heart failure mostly affect?
Failure can occur on left or right, but predominantly
affects the left
⬧ Can be chronic or acute
What is most common cause of hospitalization in the elderly?
Congestive heart disease
Pathogenesis of CHF
⬧“Failing” heart keeps working, but is less effective
⬧Inability to pump blood out of heart decreases blood
returning to the heart
Pathogenesis CHF #2
⬧Inability to pump blood out of heart increases blood in
the chambers and lungs
⬧Decreased peripheral blood flow causes kidney to
release renin
Pathogenesis CHF #3
⬧Left ventricle pumps harder to try to get more blood to
tissues, leading to left ventricular hypertrophy
⬧Coronary arteries cannot meet demand of overworked
⬧Positive feed back loop
CHF treatment
⬧Diet, exercise, and lifestyle modifications
right ventricular hypertrophy
secondary to a lung disorder. Right ventricular heart
failure follows.
Cor Pulmonale Etiology
(Chronic and Acute)
⬧Chronic cor pulmonale is usually caused by COPD.
⬧Acute is caused by pulmonary embolism
Cor Pulmonale Pathogenesis
⬧Pulmonary disorders lead to hypertension in pulmonary
⬧Blood backs up in RV
⬧RV dilates and hypertrophies
⬧RV fails
Cor Pulmonale Clinical Manifestation
⬧Exertional fatigue
⬧Heart murmurs
⬧LE edema
Cor Pulmonale Diagnosis and Treatment
⬧ History
⬧ Examination
⬧ Medications
What is a Pulmonary Embolism
occlusion of one or more pulmonary arteries by
thrombi that originate elsewhere, typically in the
large veins (DVT) of the lower extremities or pelvis,
Pulmonary Embolism Etiology
DVT – iliofemoral (50%), deep calf veins (5%),
subclavian vein (20%)
Pulmonary Embolism Clinical Manifestation
⬧Cardiac arrest
⬧Chest pain
Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis
⬧History and S&S
⬧Rule out other pathologies
⬧Imaging as a last resort
Pulmonary Embolism Prevention and Treatment
Pulmonary Embolism Prognosis
⬧ Mortality ranges from 0.5% if treated early to 25% if
How is a disrhythmia caused?
abnormal rate of electrical impulse
abnormal conduction of electrical signal,
tissue death
Atrial Fibrillation
⬧The most common chronic arrhythmia
⬧Rapid, involuntary irregular muscle contraction of atrial
⬧Blood remains in atria after contraction
Ventricular Fibrillation
uncoordinated muscular contractions of the ventricular
⬧Frequent cause of cardiac arrest
⬧Treatment includes depolarizing the muscle
Heart Block (AV Block)
⬧Interruption in passage of impulses through the heart’s
electrical system
⬧May occur because SA misfires or because impulses are
not transmitted properly
Paroxysmal Tachycardia
⬧An abnormally rapid heart rate that begins and ends
Ectopic Beats
⬧An electrical activation of the heart that originates
outside the SA node.