Christianity- Jesus Christ And Salvation Flashcards
What does the incarnation mean?
“Born in the flesh”
What do Christian’s believe Jesus was?
He was both fully God and fully human.
Why do Christian’s believe Jesus was born?
To show God’s love.
What was the reason for Jesus to be born?
Christian’s believe that humans had strayed so far from how God wanted them to live, that they had created a barrier between them and God. So Jesus was sent to be sacrificed to save humans from sin.
What is the quote stating why Jesus was sacrificed?
“By sacrificing himself for us on the cross, he took the punishment for all of our sins at once.” - John 3:17
What happened three days after Jesus was crucified on the cross?
He rose from the dead showing his divine power. He was resurrected.
Why is this important to Christian’s?
It shows Jesus was who he said he was and also shows a victory for good over the evil of death.
Who did the resurrection have a big impact upon? Why?
Jesus’ disciples who had been in hiding. It gave them hope and strength to continue teaching Jesus’ message.
What happened on the 40th day after Jesus’ resurrection?
Jesus ascended to heaven, showing the fulfilment of God’s plan. It allowed the Holy Spirit to come down to earth to comfort and guide Christian’s.
The resurrection is believed to be perhaps the most important belief in Christianity, what did St Paul say about it?
St Paul said Christianity would not have spread otherwise. It is the event that opened up heaven, without it humans couldn’t go to heaven.
What is sin?
Thoughts or actions that go against God’s wishes (breaking the 10 commandments).
What is original sin?
The first sin committed by Adam and Eve when Adam disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit.
Original sin is the sin that corrupts our nature and gives us the tendency to sin.
What is actual sin?
The sins we commit everyday before we are saved (lying, swearing, stealing).
What is salvation?
Being saved from sin. God gave his only son, so that all humans could be saved. Jesus was a perfect human and had no sin.
What did God do to Jesus?
God placed the sins of the world upon him at his cruxifixction.
What did Jesus’ actions mean?
That there was a reconciliation between God and humanity- his death atoned/ made up for human sin. Christian’s believe this shows how loving and forgiving God is.
What are the three ways to achieve salvation?
Salvation through law, salvation through grace and salvation through spirit.
What is salvation through law?
Following God’s law and teachings and carrying out good deeds that will please God.
What is salvation through grace?
Grace is the unconditional love that God has for everyone.
What is the quote for salvation through grace?
“For it is by grace you have been saved through faith… it is the gift of God.”
What is salvation through spirit?
The Holy Spirit helps Christian’s to follow the teachings of God. God recognises that everyone will sin but they will “turn to God in repentance”, meaning despite sinning, humans will try to make amends and ask for forgiveness.
Give two points and evidence for the incarnation.
Point- One of the most important beliefs of Christianity is the idea that God took on human form as Jesus.
Evidence - In the Gospel of John it says ‘the World became flesh and lived among us’
Point- Christians believe that Jesus was both fully God and fully human : this is why he wad able to perform miracles and ressurect.
Evidence - The fact that Jesus was human and God shows Christians that God truley understands them, whilst leading by example and teachings.
What 4 books, known as the Gospels, in the Bible teach Chrisitians about the life of Jesus?
Mark, Luke, Matthew and John
What happens in the Gospels?
Jesus is shown preaching, performing miracles and telling parables. Jesus life is seen as an example of how we should be.
Name 2 key events in the life of Jesus.
Any 2 from:
Birth/ Baptism/ Miracles (calming the storm, water into wine, healing)/ Last Supper/ Crucifixion/ Resurrection
How long was Jesus’ mission before he was arrested, tried and executed?
around 3 years
What was Jesus accused of?
Blasphemy by the Jewish leaders, who passed him to the Romans to execute him.
What did the Romans do to Jesus before he was crucified?
Jesus was mocked and beaten and then forced to carry his own cross and was fixed to it by having his hands and feet nailed to the cross,”.
What does it state about Jesus crucifixion in the Gospel of Mark?
The sky went dark when he was crucified.
When Jesus died, the temple curtain (used to separate people from the Holy of Holies) split in two. What is it believed to show.
That the barrier of Sin that separated humans and God had been broken.
How does Jesus’ resurrection influence Christians?
Shows them that Jesus was who he said he was and also shows the victory of good over the evil of death meaning they don’t fear death.
Seeing that Jesus overcame death, it gave his disciples hope and strength to continue teaching Jesus’ message despite the danger it caused them. This influences Christians to find strength to get through difficult times in the hope that the resurrection gives them.