Chemistry: Bascis and periodic table Flashcards
Periodic table
Where are the non`metals on the periodic table?
The non-metals are found on the right of the ‘staircase line’
pH scale
What is defined as a neutral pH?
A pH of 7 is defined as a neutral pH, neither acidic or basic
pH scale
What is an acidic pH level?
Acids have a pH less than 7
Periodic table
What is another word for groups of Elements?
Elemental groups are sometimes referred to as families
What is a chemical change?
Occurs whenever a new substance is produced. The original substances are called the reactants. The new substances are called the products.
Periodic table
What is the appearance of metals?
They are shiny and lustre
What is a compound?
A pure substance made of two or more elements in a fixed ratio that cannot be separated by physical means (ex: AgCl)
How can you test if oxygen gas is present?
oxygen gas can be tested for by the use of glowing splint. If oxygen gas is present, the splint will burst into flames.
Periodic table
What is the state of metals at room temperature?
Solid and room temp except mercury
Periodic table
What is the state of metaloids at room temp?
Solid at room temp
What is a chemical property?
describes the ability of a substance to change into a new substance (ex: flammability, reactivity)
What are clues for a chemical change?
- A new color occurs
- heat is produced or absorbed
- light is produced
- bubbles or gas are formed in a liquid or a new odor is produced
- A new solid is formed if the solid is formed from the mixing of the two solutions, it is called a precipitate
Periodic table
Why are some elements grouped together?
The elements are sorted by atomic number. Elements in the same group have similar physical and chemical properties.
Periodic table
What is the malleability and ductility of metaloids?
Brittle and not ductile
What is a physical property?
is a characteristic of the substance (ex: state, color, malleability,ductility,conductivity, solubility)
What is a heterogeneous mixture?
A mixture having two or more visible phases (ex: Pizza, milk) These are also called mechanical mixtures
What is a physical change?
occurs when there is a change in the shape, size, state of a substance. (ex:melting, freezing, subliming, dissolving)
Periodic table
What is the malleability and ductility of non-metals?
Brittle and non-ductile
Periodic table
What is the state of non metals?
most are gases some are solid and bromine is a liquid
Periodic table
What is the name for the elements in group 2?
Alkaline earth metals
Periodic table
What is the name of group 17 elements?
Periodic table
What is the name for the elements in group 1?
Alkali metals
Periodic table
What is the conductivity of metals?
Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity
Periodic table
What is the conductivity of non-metals?
poor conductors of heat and electricity
What is a pure substance?
a sample of matter that is made up of only one kind of particle. A pure substance can be represented by a chemical formula. (Ex: Salt, NaCl) (Silver, Ag)
What is matter?
Matter is defined by anything that has mass and occupies space.
What is Chemistry?
chemistry is defined by the study of matter?
pH scale
How much more basic is milk of magnesium than baking soda?
milk of magnesium (pH=11) is one hundred times more basic than baking soda (pH=9)
Periodic table
What i the conductivity of metaloids??
many conduct electricity. They are poor conductors of heat.
What is a homogeneous mixture?
A mixture having only one visible phase (Ex: salt, water, stainless steel) These are also called solutions aqueous water based solutions are transplants
What is a mixture?
A sample of matter containing two or more pure substances in variable ratios, which can be separated by physical means (Ex: mixing salt and sand and sugar and water)
pH scale
What is a basic pH?
bases have a pH greater than 7
pH scale
What is the most common indicator?
Litmus paper
Periodic table
What is the appearance of metaloids?
metaloids can be lustrous or dull
Periodic table
What is the appearance of Non-metals?
Non-metals are dull and non lustrous
Periodic table
What is the ductility and malleability of metals?
metals are malleable an ductile
What is an Element?
A pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances. Elements contain only one kind of atom
Periodic table
What is the name of the elements in group 18
Noble gases
pH scale
What is a pH?
pH is a method of indicating the acidity or basicity of a substance?
Periodic table
Where are the metals found on the periodic table?
The metals are found on the left of the ‘staircase line’
How can you test if hydrogen gas is present
hydrogen gas can be tested for by the use of a burning splint. If hydrogen is present a ‘pop’ sound will be heard
pH scale
What does each step on the scale represent?
Each step on the scale represents a tenfold change in acidity or basicity
pH scale
How much more acidic is orange juice than tomatoes?
Orange juice (pH=4) is ten times more acidic than tomatoes (pH=5)