Chemistry: anything with ions acids or compounds Flashcards
Type:acid precipitation
What is the normal PH of rain water?
Rain water is naturally acidic and has a pH of around 5.6
Type: Acid precipitation
What causes acidity in the rain?
The acidity is due to dissolved carbon dioxide in the water, which reacts to form carbonic acid
CO2+H2O- H2CO3
Type:Acid Precipitation
What does nitrogen dioxide react with water to produce?
Nitric and nitrous acid
Type: Acid precipitation
What is another major source of acid precipitation?
Sulphurs dioxide
Type: Acids and bases
Are acids reactive?
Very reactive solutions that will react with metals, carbonate compounds and bases
Type:Acids and Bases
Why do acids have those specific properties?
These properties are due to the presence of hydrogen ions H+ which form whenever an acid dissolved in water
Type Acids and Bases
Due to the Ions Present, are Acids good conductors of electricity?
Yes (electrolytes)
Type Acids
Why must Acids be used carefully?
Acids must be used carefully as some acids such as hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid are very corrosive in concentrated form
Type Acids and Bases
How can you identify common acids?
Because they start with hydrogen
Type Acids and Bases
What are Bases?
Bases are bitter tasting water soluble substances that feel slippery to the skin.
Acids and bases
What do Bases form when they dissolve in water?
Hydroxide Ions
Acids and bases
Are Bases good conductors of electricity?
Yes electrolytes
Acids and bases
What are Bases often described as?
Being Alkaline
Acids and bases
What do Bases so when reacting with protein?
Break down into smaller molecules
Acids and bases
What are Acids?
Acids are sour tasting water soluble substances that can be found in many common products and foods
Diatomic element
Is there any diatomic elements that are metals?
No all diatomic elements are gases
Diatomic elements
Is hydrogen a diatomic elements
Yes hydrogen gas is a diatomic elements
Diatomic elements
Is exenon gas a diatomic elements?
No it is not
Diatomic elements
Is oxygen gas and nitrogen gas a diatomic elements
Yep they are
Diatomic elements
Is fluorine and chlorine a diatomic element?
F2 and Cl2
Diatomic element
Is bromine gas and iodine gas diatomic elements?
I2 and Br2
Diatomic elements
What is the endings of the diatomic elements?
Always end in -gen or -ine
Diatomic elements
What is a diatomic element?
A naturally existing as two atoms of the same element bond together
Covalent and molecular compounds
Show the formation of a molecular compound using 2 oxygen atoms.
Double covalent bond
In photos number 1
Covalent and molecular compounds
Do two non metals forming a chemical bond,create ions?
No they don’t.
Molecular and covalent compounds
What is a covalent bond?
Non metals share pairs of electrons to form a covalent bond so that each atom has a full putter shell
Molecular and covalent bonds
What are covalently bonded compounds called?
Covalent bonds and molecular compounds
Show the formation of a molecular compound using two hydrogen atoms what type of bond is this?
A single covalent bond
See photos for diagram. Photo 2
Covalent bonds and molecular compounds
What happens when a metal and a nonmetal react to form a compound?
They transfer electrons to form ions resulting in an ionic bond
Ionic compounds
Examples of formulas for:
Calcium bromide
Beryllium nitride
Ionic compounds
What are the 5 steps to find the formula of an ionic compound?
- Wrote the symbols of the ions
- Write the charge of each ion on top of the symbol
- Find the lowest common multiple for the two charges in the compound.
- Add a subscript if needed to the action to indicate how many are needed to make the required charge.
- Ads a subscript to the anion if needed.
Ionic compounds
Write the chemical formula for:
Sodium chloride
Calcium oxide
Magnesium fluoride
Multivalent ions
Give an example of a metal and non metal with a valence of 1
Sodium and chloride ions have a valence if 1
Multivalent ions
What does the valence of an object represent?
The valence of an Ion is the value of the charge
Polyatomic ions
What is the name and charge of NO3?
Nitrate and it has a 1- charge
Atoms and ion formation
What is an Atom?
Atoms are electrically neutral particles because they must have the same number of positive and negative electrons
Atom and Ion formation
How do elements react to make a compound?
They can either gain or lose one or more electrons in their valence (outermost shell)
Atoms and Ions
How do you remember what charge a cat-ion is?
Cats have paws so they are positive
Atoms and Ions
How do metals form positive ions? (Cations)
They form positive ions by losing electrons
Atoms and Ions
Provide and example of sodium becoming a cation
Check picture 3
Atoms and Ions
How do non metals form anions?
By GAINING electrons
Atoms and Ions
What is an Anion?
An anion is a Neg ion made by non metals
Atoms and Ions
What change to the ending of it’s name do we add to anions? Examples.
You add the ending -ide
Examples: Fluoride Chloride Oxide Nitride
Polyatomic ions
What polyatomic ion has a charge of 3- and what is the formula and name
Polyatomic ions
What is the formula and charge of sulphate?
So4 and has a charge of 2-
Polyatomic ions
What is the name and charge of chlorate?
ClO3 and has a 1- charge
Polyatomic ions
What is the name and charge of OH?
Hydroxide and it has a 1- charge
Polyatomic ions
How can you tell it’s polyatomic by its name?
It would end in -ate not -ide except hydroxide
Polyatomic ions
Write the formula for sodium sulphate
Na 1+. SO4 2- LCM=2
Polyatomic ions
Name the following compound
Copper (2) sulphate
Aluminum sulphate
Ionic compounds
When naming a compound what comes first? Cation or anion?
The cation than the anion
Ionic compounds
What is the purpose of a subscript?
If two or more of the same ions are present, we add a small number called a subscript to show this.
Ionic compounds
Why do we use chemical symbols?
We use chemical symbols to represent the formula of an ionic compound instead of drawing Bohr diagrams
Ionic compounds
Are all compounds electrically neutral? What does that mean? Examples.
All ionic compounds are electrically neutral, so all the electrons lost by the cations must regained by the ions
Ionic compounds
How do ionic compounds work? Provide an example.
When an ionic compound is formed the electrons lost by the cation re gained by the anion.
Ionic compound
How is an Ionic bond created?
Created by the electrostatic attraction between a positively charged cation and a negatively charged anion.
Ionic compound
What is a chemical bond?
An attractive force between two atoms which hold them together in a compound.
Atoms and Ions
Does a metal atom lose all of its electrons in the outermost shell or just one?
It looses them all from the outermost shell.
Atoms and Ions
What is the octet rule?
The octet rule is a rule that states that a full valence she means that gas is stable and means stability.
Atoms and Ions
What are noble gases so unreactive?
Because they have a full outermost shell. Valence shell.
Atoms and Ions
What group is the most stable on the periodic table?
Noble gases
Atoms and Ions
Draw an example of an Ions of fluorine
(Photo numbed 4)
What do metals in group 1 and 2 have in common and what do metals in ground 3 to 16 have in common in terms of valence.
Metals in group 1 and 2 have one valence. 3 to 16 have 2 or more valences.
Multivalent ions
What are the six most common multivalent ions?
Iron, copper, gold, tin, lead, mercury.
Multivalent ions
How do we show the charge of a multivalent ions in the name?
We would add a Roman number
Multivalent ions
Provide examples of names for
Iron 3
Lead 4
Copper 1
Multivalent ions
Write the chemical formula for hydrogen bromide.
Multivalent ions
How do you find the charge of a multivalent ions? Examples
First find the charge of the anions. Divide the value of the total charge evenly along all cations. Example
There are 2 oxygen ions for a total of 2x2-= 4
There must be 4 positive charges
Therefore the lead ions is 4+
The name is lead 4 oxide
Multivalent ions
Write the formula for Iron 3 oxide
Fe 3+ O 2-
LCM= 6
Polyatomic ions
What is a polyatomic ions?
Is made up from many atoms that act as a single ions has
Polyatomic ions
What’s the formula and charge of carbonate?
2- charge
Acid precipitation
What is produced when sulphur dioxide reacts with oxygen
Sulphur trioxide.
SO3+H2O= H2SO4
Acid precipitation
Do coal and natural gas also contain sulphur
Acid precipitation
What releases sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere?
Many industries process such as smelting of ores and the production of steel releases sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere.