Chatper 2 Flashcards
Prenatal Development
Ideas of development _____
- Used to believe individual was ___
- Aristotle argued for ____
changed over time
Prenatal Development
the process by which plants, animals and fungi develop from a seed through a sequence of steps in which organs form.
Gametes (germ cells)(What is it)
Contain half the ______
reproductive cells
(egg and sperm)
Contain half the genetic material of all
other cells in the body
Meiosis definition
___ chromosomes from mother and ___
chromosomes from father
a type of cell division that produces gametes, or sex cells, like eggs and sperm
Conception definition
the union of an egg from the mother
and a sperm from the father; fertilization
a fertilized egg cell
Developmental Processes
______ that transform a zygote to embryo to fetus
name them
Four developmental processes that transform a zygote to embryo to fetus
* Cell migration
* Cell differentiation
* Apoptosis
Developmental Processes
Cell division resulting in two identical daughter cells
Developmental Processes
Cell migration
Newly formed cells move away from point of origin
Developmental Processes
Cell differentiation
Cells start to specialize in structure and function
Developmental Processes
programmed cell death
Genetically programmed cell death
Developmental Processes
Role of Apoptosis:
Fetal hand plate
* Cell death needed for
development of hand to
create ridges for fingers to
Brief Overview of Prenatal Development
1 week: Zygote travels to ___
2-3 weeks: Embryo forms ___
Week 1: Zygote travels to womb to begin embryo formation
Week 2-3: Embryo forms nervous system, skin, neural tube
Brief Overview of Prenatal Development 13-24 weeks
25-38 weeks
Week 13-24: Basic facial expressions; fetal movements
Weeks 25-38: Fetus size triples; brain and lungs develop; visual/auditory systems functional; fetus capable of learning
Early Development: Support System
Neural tube:
a groove formed in the top layer of
differentiated cells
* Eventually becomes the brain and spinal cord
Early Development: Support System
Amniotic sac:
a transparent, fluid-filled membrane
* Surrounds and protects the fetus
Early Development: Support System
a support organ for the fetus
* Permits exchange of materials
Early Development: Support System
Umbilical cord:
a tube containing the blood
vessels connecting the fetus and placenta
* Nutrients
Early Development: Support System
areas near head develop earlier than those farther away
Early Development: Support System
class of ___ that include
class of hormones that include
-Sex differentiation
Early Development
Identical (monozygotic) twins
How it occurs and what genes they have
Twins that result from the splitting in half of the zygote
Each of the two resulting zygotes have exactly same set of
Early Development
Fraternal (dizygotic) twins
How it happens, what its fertilized by and what their genes look like
- Twins that result when two eggs happen to release in fallopian tubes at the same time
- Fertilized by two different sperm
- Fraternal twins have only half their genes in common
Fetal Experience and Behavior
When does it begin? Examples of movement
Begins 5 to 6 weeks after conception
- Emergence of hiccups, swallowing
- Movement of limbs, fingers
- Respiratory readiness for breathing independently after birth
Fetal Experience and Behavior
Behavioral cycles
Rest–activity cycles; alternates between periods of _____
Circadian rhythm apparent(the natural ________that occur in the body
Rest–activity cycles; alternates between periods of rest and activity
- Circadian rhythm apparent(the natural 24-hour cycle of physical, mental, and behavioral changes that occur in the body
Fetal Experience: Senses
Contact with parts of the body; grasping
umbilical cord, rubbing face, sucking thumb
- Can detect flavors in amniotic fluid
Fetal Experience: Senses
- Amniotic fluid takes on odor from what mother eats
- Responds to various sounds from at least 6
Fetal Experience: Senses
Phylogenetic continuity:
humans share characteristics and developmental processes with
nonhuman animals
Fetal Learning
Habituation Definition
Decrease in response to
New interest occurs after
noticeable change in stimulus
Hazards to Prenatal Development
Sensitive period
When certain type of development is most likely
particularly susceptible to environmental influence
Hazards to Prenatal Development
__ of U.S. clinically recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage.
At least __% to possibly as high as ___% of
women experience at least one miscarriage.
- 15% of U.S. clinically recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage.
- At least 25% to possibly as high as 50% of
women experience at least one miscarriage.
Teratogen defintion
Dose–response relation
Potentially harmful agent
The more exposure, the more at risk the fetus becomes.
Sleeper effect:
impact of a given agent may not be apparent
for many years
Hazards to Prenatal Development
Three examples
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
What is it and how to reduce it
Infant 1 year of age or less dies suddenly and
unexpectedly with no cause
No smoking
Using firm bedding
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Mother’s alcohol consumption
during pregnancy affects fetus
facial deformities,
intellectual disabilities, attention
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Fetal alcohol effects, or FAE:
when infant has some but not all effects of
Hazards to Prenatal Development
Environmental pollutants
Air and water pollution
Lead (dose–response relationship)
Maternal Factors
Infant mortality rate high for teen mothers 15
years or younger
Women delaying pregnancies until their 30s or
40s risk infertility
Maternal Factors
General malnutrition of mother affects ___; later ____
General malnutrition of mother affects growth of fetal brain; later cognitive impairments
Maternal Factors
Maternal emotional state
High maternal stress leads_____ linked to ___
High maternal stress leads to increased stress
hormone levels
* Linked to behavior problems in children
Fetal programming
The theory that environmental factors during fetal development can have a long-term impact on an individual’s health.
Diversity of Childbirth Practices
All cultures pursue dual goals which is
Childbirth practices vary ___
All cultures pursue dual goals.
-Survival and health of mother and
Childbirth practices vary across cultures.
Diversity of Childbirth Practices
Cesarean (C-section):
surgical delivery of baby when birth complications arise
The Newborn Infant
A healthy baby interacts with
Two examples
this is influnced by what
A healthy baby interacts with
environment right away
* Explores and learns
State of Arousal
State of Arousal can range from what to what and how many are there
- Ranging from deep sleep
to intense activity
six stages of arousal
Six Stages of Arousal
* Newborns sleep ___ as
much as adults
- ___ throughout
- Newborns sleep twice as
much as adults - Declines throughout
Six Stages of Arousal
Rapid eye movement (REM)
* ______ under closed eyelids
active sleep state
- Quick movements
under closed eyelids
Six Stages of Arousal
Non-REM sleep:
- Absence of _____ movements
- More _____ brain waves, breathing,
and heart rate
quiet or deep sleep state
- Absence of motor
activity or eye
movements - More regular, slower
brain waves, breathing,
and heart rate
Six Stages of Arousal
Why do they cry?
- Peaks around ___ weeks of age,
and decreases around ___ months
of age.
Attention, illness, pain, hunger
Peaks around 6–8 weeks of age,
and decreases around 3–4 months
of age.
State of Arousal
excessive, inconsolable crying by a young infant for no apparent reason
Infant mortality occurs when the most
Average newborn birth wieght
Death during the first year after birth
7½ pounds
Premature (preterm) babies:
born at ___ weeks after conception
born at 37 weeks after conception;
small for gestational age