Chapter 1 Flashcards
Reasons to Learn About Child Development
Raising children, Choosing social policies, Understanding human nature
Reasons to Learn About Child Development
-Raising children
Help parents and teachers rear and educate
ex spanking children wrong = provides alternatives
Reasons to Learn About Child Development
-Choosing social policies
to make informed decisions about social polices, need to understand child development
Reasons to Learn About Child Development
-Understand human nature
Provides insight into questions regarding human nature
ex. when does learning start
detrimental affects of childhood abuse
The Romanian Adoption Study
Explain it
-Grew up with lack physical contact, malnutrition
-They compare children adopted before and after 6 months
-after 6 months, lower weight, lower smart, low social
-lower brain activity in the prefrontal cortex amygdala
The Romanian Adoption Study:
prefrontal cortex amygdala
Brain area involved in emotional reaction
What were the goals of old philosophers (similar to new thinkers)
Goals were to be better parents, improve wellbeing of the kids, understand human nature
Early Views of Child Development
Ideas of Plato and Aristotle
Similarities and differences
Both agreed society depended on children being raised well
Early Views of Child Development
Ideas of Plato and Aristotle
Plato ideas
-emphasized self control and disciplined
-children are born w/ innate knowledge
ex able to disgush human vs animals.
Early Views of Child Development
Ideas of Plato and Aristotle
Aristotle Ideas
-Child raising should be based on individual needs
-Knowledge comes from experience
ex children are born with no knowledge
Later Philosophers: Early Views of Child Development
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Ideas
Parents and society should give children maximum freedom since the beginning
Later Philosophers: Early Views of Child Development
John Locke
-Children are blank slate
-Instill discipline first, then increase child’s freedom
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
What did darwin develop?What was his proposal
Developed baby biography(documents early life; milestones etc.) first way to study children
-Proposed theory that evolution influences research in modern child development
ex sex difference, attachment to mothers
Social Reform Movements
what was happening in the Industrial Revolution
Children worked in coal mines and
-Affected them for years
Social reform movement Definition
established first child labor laws
How Do Nature and Nurture Together Shape
Give definition of both
Nurture = environment
Nature/genome = individual’s complete set of
hereditary information
All human charactistics are created through interaction of genes and environment
The active child
Explain it and what are the most important contributors in the first years
Child shape their own development through childhood
Most important contributors in their first years are:
-Who and what they chose to pay attention too
-Use of language
-Who and what they decide to play with or what
The Active Child: How do children shape their
own development?
They have selective attention to things that move and make sound
They pay particular attention to mothers face
The Active Child: How do children shape their
own development?
They are activity trying to learn a language by themsleves.
The Active Child: How do children shape their
own development?
Older Children
They are involved in controled play which includes controlling emotions, adhereing to rules and etc
The Active Child: How do children shape their
own development?
Young Children
What types of fantasy play they engage with
Continuity and Discontinuity
Discontinuous Development
What is it and who believed in it
-large occasional shifts
-Piaget, Freud and erikson were stage theorists
Continuity and Discontinuity
Continuous Development
-occur gradually in small increments
-developments occurs skill by skill and task by task
Piaget’s Conservation-of-Liquid
Quantity Problem
What is it and what does it prove
It was when you have two glasses the same size and then you pour one of the liquids into a taller glass and ask the child if its the same amount of water
Children at 4 believe its not the same amount but children at 6 do
Example of discontinues development
How does change occur?
It occurs because of the interaction between genome and environment determines what and when changes occur
How does change occur?
Effortful attention
What is it and example
Its a mechanism to trigger change because it ____
Voluntary control of emotions and thoughts
example: not crying when you dont get ur way
Its a mechanism to trigger change because it exterting effortful attention that can change behavioral problems and etc
How Does the Sociocultural Context Influence Development?
What is social cultural context?
Physical, social, cultural, historical circumstances
-influences every aspect of children development
Cultural Comparisons
Cross-culture: sleeping arrangements
Within-culture: socioeconomic status
Examples of both
Most infants sleep alone in US
other countries they don’t
Access to services, support, quality of education, healthy food etc
Socioeconomic Status and Development
cumulative risk definition and obstacle
cumulative risk (The accumulation of these disadvantages over years of development)
seems to be the greatest obstacle for poor children
Socioeconomic Status and Development
Resilient children overcome the ____
Resilient children overcome the obsatcles of poverty
How Do Children Become So Different
from One Another?
Genetic differences
Difference treatment by parents and Others
Different experiences and environments
How Can Research Promote Children’s
diagnosing and decreasing children’s problems
-more valid child eyewitness testimony, educational innovations anger mamangemnt programs
Methods for Studying Child Development(Name two)
Scientifit method
Research designs
The Scientific Method definition
An approach to testing beliefs
Key criteria in creating good research (Three of them)
* Validity
* Replicability
Key criteria in creating good research
Interrater reliability definition
Independent measurements are
refers to the reproducibility of measurement between two or more investigators.
Key criteria in creating good research
Test–retest reliability:
Degree of similarity of a child’s performance on two or more occasions
example testing kids on vocab test a week apart
the kids who scored high should score high again, if everything was the same as last time
Key criteria in creating good research
it tests if its measuring what its suppose to be measuring
Key criteria in creating good research
Internal validity:
External validity:
observed results represent truth in population studied
can results be generalized beyond the research in question
Key criteria in creating good research
What is the replicaition crisis
If you can replicate the study and get the same results
Psychology have proven difficult to replicate.
Contexts for Gathering Data About Children
Interviews and questionnaires
Structured interviews:
Clinical interviews:
all participants asked the same questions
questions adjusted based on answers provided
uniform set of questions
Contexts for Gathering Data About Children
Naturalistic observation
Structured observation
Examining children’s behaviors but in an controlled environment
Method that presents identical situations
to each child and records child’s behavior
Correlation and Causation
An important goal of research is to
An important goal of research is to determine how variable are related to one another through
-Cause-effect relations
Correlational Designs
How are two variables______?
Variables definition
How are two variables related to each
Attributes that vary across individuals and situations( age and gender example)
Correlational Designs
Association between two variables
Range from 1.00 (strongest positive
correlation) to −1.00 (strongest negative
Correlation Does Not Equal Causation
It could be influenced by a third variable you don’t know about
Experimental designs:
What is it and its charactersitcs?
a group of approaches that allow inferences about causes and effects to be drawn
Random assignment of participants to groups(both experimental/control)
Experimental group is presented with treatment and control group isnt
Research Designs for Examining
Children’s Development
Cross-sectional design
Children of different ages are compared on a given behavior over a short period of time
Research Designs for Examining
Children’s Development
Longitudinal design
Same children are studied twice or more over a substantial lenght of time
Research Designs for Examining
Children’s Development
Microgenetic designs
Same children are studied
repeatedly over a short period.