CHAPTER SIX Flashcards
Single trait approach
Examine correlations between one trait and many behaviors
Used in studying self monitoring and narcissism
what do people like that do with a certain personality trait?
Many trait approach
Examine correlations between one behavior and many traits
begins with the implicit research question, who does what?
Seek to explain the pattern of correlations
Q-set is a test that assess this ( 100 diff personlity characteristics at once)
Essential trait approach
addressed which traits are most important
Typological trait approach
stems from a doubt and hope, focuing on pattterns of traits that charcterize while persons and sorts these patterns
What are the FIVE BIG traits
Traits are NOT
determinants of behaviour
Traits ARE
Characterizes average behavior across time and situations
Can be used to predict behavior and important life outcomes
What are the 4 ways to study Personality?
Single-trait approach
Many-trait approach
Essential-trait approach
Typological approach
Lexical hypothesis
The important aspect of human life will be labeled and if somthings is truly imprtant and universla many words for it will exist in all languages
Implications of the Big Five
-Traits are orthogonal, or unrelated.
-Can bring order to many research findings
-More complex than they seem at first
Not entirely orthogonal
Higher-order factors: stability and plasticity
General Factor of Personality and emotional intelligence
Lower-order factors or facets
Labels are oversimplified.
The Essential-Trait Approach: Extraversion (2)
Eysenck’s view of extraversion
-React less to sensory stimuli (the lemon juice test)
-Crave extreme levels of stimulation
The Many-Trait Approach: Q-set
California Q-set
100 personality descriptions
Sort into a forced choice, symmetrical, and normal distribution
Compare characteristics within an individual
The Many-Trait Approach: Talking
Certainty words: related to being perceived as intelligent, verbally fluent, turned to for advice, ambitious, generous
The Many-Trait Approach: Political beliefs
Conservative: feeling guilty, anxious, and unable to handle stress well as children; favor values of in-group loyalty, authority and respect, and purity
Liberal: resourceful, independent, self-reliant, and confident as children
Authoritarian: uncooperative and inflexible, likely to obey commands to harm others, fewer positive emotions, crave strong leaders; attitudes may be from attempts to lessen fear; likely to have had parents high on authoritarianism
Children who were anxious, misbehaved, and hyperactive became adults who were discontented with the economic and political system.
Ideology is related to values.
Single trait: Narcissism
refers to excessive self love which can be so extremee to be classified as a disorder.
people who score high in Narccissism:
-Charming, make good first impression
-Manipulative, overbearing, entitled, vain, arrogant, exhibitionistic
-May not feel good about themselves
-Many negative behaviors and
(Not all of narcissism is bad.)