controversy #1: the belief that humanity could and should be improved through slective breeding
controversy #2: the belief that it might be technologically possible to produce a complete duplicate, psychological and physical human being
Heritability coefficients from twin studies ≈
one of two or more alterntive forms of a gene that arise by mutation and are found at the same place on a chromosome
Short allele + stress may lead to depression
Reactive perosn envirnment transaction
The same enviornments that promtte good outcomes for some can permote bad outcomes for others
Genes matter?
Not all of personality coems from experience, some come form genes
Heritability coefficients from non-twin studies
experience affecst biology, may be possible to help people find enviornments that will lead to good outcomes
can lead to protection of other people, especially close relatives and ensure surival of genes in succeeding genrations. Your genes may make it into the next genration evn if you dont produce offspring
Agression can help a person protect territory,property and mates, lead to higher status, higher soicla group by can also leas to fighting
Evoluntionary Mismatch
The modern enviornment is a mismatch with human history. Evolution is not the same as progress and just bc a tendency is “natural” does not mean it can’t be harmful. Some of our most natural tendencies might be our most dangerous
Evoluntionary theory
is the foundation of modern biology
Adresses how patterns of behaviour that characterize all humans may hve originated in the survival value of these chrcateistcs
Self Esteem
signs that we arent valued casuses slef esteem to go doen. people cn fila to survive and reproduce
has evovled bc of itss surviavl value. individuals who lack capcity for dpressive symtoms might be more likey to lose valuable relationships, learn less from mistakes, less able to makes friends
Methodology –
Biological determinism or social structure – related to the idea that people evolved to be flexible. The result of evolutionary history might be the result of humans responding to changing circumstances, especially social structure. Women are starting to challenge traditional sex roles and may counteract biology as well
How can evolutionary speculations be tested? What sort of experiment can we do to prove or disprove the sociometer theory of self-esteem? How could we test an evolutionary hypothesis?