Causes of Stability
Temperament (aspects of the individual remain constant for years)
Physical and environmental factors (Genes,biology, male ir female , where you live)
Birth order ( whcih order in your family you were born in)
Early experience (early adverse experiences casuig childreb to be sensitive and vulnerable)
Person- Enviornment Transactions (ppl respond to seek out and create enviornments thay are compatible with that may magnify their personality traits)
Cumulative Continuity and Maturity
( personality trauts relativelt stable across life span and consistency increases as as person matures)
Which statement about personality development is true?
Personality changes very little after age 30.
Rank-order stability tends to be high
The mean levels of traits change over time.
Both b and c are correct.
Both b and c are correct.
Personality stability
is only affected by genetics.
increases as people get older.
is so low that adult behavior cannot be predicted by childhood personality.
is certainly not affected by birth order.
increases as people get older.
Research has shown that
it is possible to intentionally change personality, such as make someone more self-controlled.
personality does not change after about age 50.
longitudinal studies reveal different patterns of development from what have been found in cross-sectional studies.
one principle is sufficient to explain personality change.
it is possible to intentionally change personality, such as make someone more self-controlled.
typically determined by genes inherited from parents
Fundemental behaviours and emotional tendencies stem from very ealry root and persist throughout life but they change with age a process called hterotypic continuity
Example: a shy child might hide behind someone at a party, an adult is not going to do that but instaed tehy might avoid talking to strangers
Physical and environmental factors
The fact that you can do nothing about teh the affect but experience you have and the person you become
They will remain the same throughout much of all your life
Birth order
Fank Sulloqay says parents tend to put more attention in their firstborn child and more likey to identify with parent values and goals
First born child( ambitions, support, traditional values)
Latter born child (independant, open mided and rebellious)
Early experience
Adults who remeber being rejected by theor parnets as children have difficulties forming relationshios thoughout their lives
Person- Enviornment Transactions
The reason people tend to seek out enviroenments compatible with their traits is they might find other kinds of enviornments unpleasent
Active person envirnment- person seeks compatible enviornments and avoids incompatible ones
Reactive-Diffrent ppl respind diffrently to the same situation
Evocative person enviornment transcation- Aspect of an indivual’s perosnality leads to behvaior that change sthe situation they experience
Cumulative Continuity and Maturity
individual differences in personality become more cinsistent as one gets older
The increase if a mean level over time is
personality development
Cohort effects
may contribute to age differences in cross-sectional studies
social clock
places pressure on people to accomplish certain things by certain ages.
Causes of development
Physical development and changes in strength
Increases in intelligence and linguistic abilities
Hormone-level changes
Changes in social roles and responsibilities
-Erikson’s theory of development
Longitudinal studies
A better method for studying development when possible is teh longitudial study in which same people are measured over the years from childhood through adulthood
Consistent with the maturity principle