Chapter ?- not in texbook Flashcards
- guide and motivate behavior
- influence focus and attention
- impact our appraisals
- influence how we react to neg life events
meanings associated with a role
- what it means to be a:
- parent
- exerciser
- physically active person
identifying with a behavior involves
- classifying oneself as a occupant of role
- internalizing role meanings
self-regulatory control system
- identity theory
- identifies provide a standard for behavior
- deviation from identity standard
- process influenced by strength of identification
- neg affect
- motivation to align behavior with identity
-strength of exercise identity is pos related to exercise behavior: cross sectional and prospective support: -weekly min of exercise -weekly frequency of exercise -indicates of physical fitness -weekly frequency of exercise
research 2
- exercise identity strength is associated with variables known to known to be important in the self-regulation of:
- exercise self-efficacy
- exercise intentions
- exercise plans
- internal motivation for exercise
exercise and health identity challenges
in general: a strong exercise identity is associated with responses to identity challenges that suggest people will work hard to maintain that identity- behavior match
exercise identity: mechanisms
-self-efficacy mediates the relationship between exercise identity and exercise behavior
exercise identity: what do we know?
identifying with exercise is positively associated with:
-variables known to aid in exercise self-regulation
-adaptive response pattern to identity challenges
exercise identity may influence PA in part through self-efficacy
fostering positive exercise identities
-identities are relatively stable
-but change over time has been demonstrated
-critical periods for identity change:
life transition or life changing event (uni, children)
when person begins an exercise program
-suggestions for how to change identity are scarce
fostering positive exercise identities: possible selves
-forming and reflecting upon a possible self should impact identity
possible selves
- what we hope (or fear) we will become
- more than goals
- goal: i could exercise
- possible self: i could become an exerciser and that would look like….
- serve as incentive for behavior
possible selves: past PA research
- reflecting on an exercise- related possible self (pos or neg)
- exercise behaviors of 4 and 8 weeks
fostering pos exercise identities
- draw on existing models/theory
- physical activity self-definition model
- possible selves literature
the physical activity self-definition model
- cross sectional support for model among active samples
- model should serve as a framework for understanding the process of identification
- consider how ones views oneself (identity) when trying to understand health behavior
- we dont know a lot about how to effectively bring about change in exercise identity; more research needed
common responses to self-compassion activity
- personal response uses harsher language- more self-critical, judgemental, negative
- seen in the sport and exercise context
- self-criticism is neg associated to long term goal processes
research on self-critical responses
-health related
self-report and objective- weight loss
-so what response would be the most adaptive when facing our flaws, failures, setback, and times of stress
-being aware vs over -identifying or ignoring
-gentleness and support vs judgement and self-criticism
common humanity
-connection vs isolation
common misperceptions
- self-centered/ego egotistical
- leads to passivity
- beg associated with neurocism
how does self compassion relate to self-esteem
past research focus on benefits of self-esteem
-high versus low self esteem
self-esteem: pos feeling of self/ confidence
-largely influenced by external standards/evaluations
-orientation to care for oneself- not based on external evaluations
how can self-compassion help us
-clear goals
failure to use these steps=failure to goals
self-compassion and sport
- sport can be very stressful- alot of pressure to preform and succeed
- can lead to neg emotions, rumination, and self-criticism
- self-compassion associated with adaptive responses to neg sport experience
- fear of failure
- social physique anxiety
- fear of neg evaluation
- shame proneness
self-compassion intervention
- increase self compassion
- increase well being in sport
- increase meaning
- increase appreciating body
- increase responsibility
- increase vitality
- increase perseverance
- decrease neg affect
- decrease rumination
- decrease catastrophicing thoughts
- decrease concern on failure
self compassion and exercise
-less research has been completed in this context pos related to: -intrinstic motivation -goal re-engagement -exercise behavior neg realted to: -extrinstic motivation for exercise -ego goal orientation -obligatory exercise -social physique anxiety -rumination -neg affect
fear of self-compassion
- self-criticism is necessary for success
- self-compassion leads to complacency
- neg associated with well-being in sport
- pos associated with rumination and self-criticism in sport
- other contexts pos associated with anxiety and depression
increasing self-compassion in athletes
- must consciously and consistenly utilize mental training methods-requires commitment
- supported and understood by athletes, coaches, and other team support
- supportive environment
SC exercisers in sport
- how would you treat team mates- creates awareness
- self-compassion break - how to: mindfulness, common humanity, and self-kindness
- identifying what we really want
- realize the pain their self-judgement causes and the support SC provides
- self-criticism is not adaptive
- self-compassion is associated with adaptive responses during difficult sport situations
- difficult to change athletes way of thinking
- important to also target other influences