Chapter 15 Flashcards
why PA interventions
PA can:
- prevent the onset of disease
- prolong life
- reduce symptoms of a disease
- reverse the course of a disease
- promote mental health and well-being
- treat mental illness
- PA is one of the best ways you can influence your health positively
what % of Canadians are insufficiently active?
about 85% of adults and 93% of children are insufficiently active
-physical activity is very costly to the taxpayer
determinant and intervention research
- examines factors that affect or are associated with physical activity behavior
ex) demographic; social; environment; genetic factors - adapted ecological model of determinants of physical activity
intervention research (determinants in intervention research)
- seeks to manipulate factors that affect physical activity behavior
- usually targets determinants, so determinants research informs intervention research
- identify determinants
- target determinants in interventions
- info is passed onto the public
intervention research involving PA
physical activity can play two roles in intervention research:
1. PA as an outcome
-part take in physical activity to improve
2. PA as a treatment
intervention designed to increase/improve PA- change in PA- exercise intervention- change in functioning health status or quality of life
behavioral approaches to increasing PA
- goal setting
- imagery
- planning
- self-monitoring
- relaspe prevention
goal setting for PA
- helpful for all exercisers
- but particularly important when people are adopting the behavior
- set both short-term and long-term goals to maintain commitment
planning 2 types
- action and coping plans are designed to bridge the intention-behavior gap
1) action planning: forming concrete plans that specify when, where, and how a person will translate exercise intentions into actions ex) i will exercise MWF at noon, in the campus gym by running on the treadmill for 30 min at 70% of my maximal heart rate
2) coping planning: how will you cope with potential barriers or obstacles that may get in the way of your goals (injury, school) ex) if i have to finish my assignment i will get off the bus 20 minutes before my regular stop to walk on the way home from campus
planning research support
the combinations of high levels of coping planning and action planning are associated with increase in physical activity
-utilizing plans allows us to think ahead about any obstacles or situations we may face and makes us better prepared
- keeping a record of ones own exercise behavior, in order to track progress and identify barriers to goal achievement
- people can self-monitor PA type, frequency, duration, or intensity, thoughts, and emotions
- lots of tech options: step counts on phone, GPS enabled device, fit bit
when individuals fail to resume regular exercise after a lapse in activity
abstinence violation effect
when a initial lapse causes the exerciser to believe that all future hope of behavior change is lost and that the entire exercise regimen might as well be abandoned
relapse prevention strategies
-self talk: used to increase confidence, regulate arousal or focus efforts to overcome high risk situations ex) if i go to the gym at lunch break i will be more productive this afternoon
-imagery: used to muster motivation and commitment to stick to ones exercise goals ex) imagine what one will feel like when one is finished exercising ex) imagine what one will look like after 6 months
-plan ahead for lapses: make arrangements with a friend to exercise, stay in a hotel with a gym, set out clothing for morning workout
-minimize abstinence violation effect: cognitive restructuring- changing how one thinks about the lapse
this is a normal part of exercise
effectiveness of behavioral interventions
-the most effective way to increase PA
-five times more effective than any other type of PA intervention
-produce approx 35% increase in time spent being physically active
-efficacy shown for:
both men and women
wide range of ethnic cultural and other specific populations
across a variety of settings (schools, work place)
theory based interventions
- intervention research may or may not involve theory
- theory based research: interventions that are based on the theoretically-proposed relationships among constructs
why use theory in intervention research
- theory provides info on which determinants makes sense to target in interventions
- theory outlines the relationship between various determinants
- theory can sometimes tell us how to target a determinant
- theories help us explain how or why an intervention worked or did not
how can intervention research help theory
interventions provide real world tests of theory (that can lead to the refinement of theory)
intervening with the theory of planned behavior
- changing attitudes towards
- manipulating subjective norms
- fostering perceptions of behavioral control
- bridging the intention behavior gap
changing attitudes towards
- if we can impact attitudes, we should impact intentions and in turn behavior
- focus on the benefits of PA:
- research shows that physical activity can reduce your risk of many chronic conditions and leaves you feeling revitalized
- help people value/enjoy PA
- enjoying our physical activity strengthens out intentions to exercise
fostering perceptions of behavioral control
- if we can impact control beliefs, we should impact behavior directly as well as indirectly through intentions
- enhance perceptions of control:
- behavioral strategies
- action plans; goal setting; self-monitoring ect
bridging the intention behavior gap
-TBP does not tell us what bridges this gap: this leaves room for adding to/improving the theory
-implementation intentions:
when i get in the car i will drive to the gym
intervening with social cognitive theory: past performance
-past performance is a source of self efficacy
-behavioral strategies that set people up for success:
goal setting; planning; have people reflect on their past
intervening with social cognitive theory: motivational interviewing
- is a counseling approach that provides people with the opportunity to talk about and resolve their mixed feelings about exercise
- help people talk themselves into change and then provide info on how to change
keys of motivational interviewing
- expressing empathy: ability to identify with another person and understand his/her feelings
- develop discepency: an awareness of a difference between current behavior and their broader goals and values
- eliciting change talk: gets the client to come up with and elaborate on their own reasons for change
- supporting self-efficacy: target sources of self-efficacy, including past successful experiences
- note: motivational interviewing is a key way to deliver many behavioral intervention strategies
intervening with social cognitive theory: varcarious experiences
- success stories
- how could you create your own varcarious experience oppruitunties
- imagery (be your own varcarious experience)
- self-monitor to track success
intervening with social cognitive theory: social perusion
- PA instructor point out progress
- self-talk
intervening with social cognitive theory: physiological
cognitive restructuring of physical symptoms
-self-monitor mood or affectrive states pre and post exercise
how might you support your own physiological needs
autonomy: find ways a person can determine their own behavior
competence: foster sense of control/competence
relatedness: foster social connections with others through activity
health action process approach
- this approach combines aspects of other theories
- suggests differences in motivational processes underlying
1) intentions
2) behavior
health action process approach: intentions
- self-efficacy for the task
- outcome expectations
- risk perceptions
- barriers and resources
health action process approach: behavior
- action planning
- self-efficacy for maintaining the behavior
- self-efficacy for recovering from the relapse
- barriers and resources
theory-based interventions: summary
- theories offer a template that can guide PA intervention
- more theories than presented here today
- similar construct can be used across theories
- several research studies suggest that people who own dogs are more active than those who do not
- dog walkers who are informed about the importance of walking dogs walk more than dog owners who dont receive this info
interventions based on computer technology
-websites offer a convenient delivery method for PA interventions
how do these web-interventions measure up?
-research to date is unclear
-may be good in the short term but gains are usually short-lived
social media
social networking canbe used to motivate people to exercise
- facebook groups
- texting prompts, motivate users, gather info
ex) created a fb app designed to create a social network to promote PA among new moms - moms recruited 3-7 facebook friends (other moms) to join their group
- app encouraged women to get 10,000 steps/day, interact and monitor progress
- after 28 days, PA had increased by 177 mins per week
- shows promise- but no control group or comparison
- dance dance revolution, wii fit, poke-mon go
- research suggests they are a poor substitute for traditional pa for kids
- some research support for their use with older adults
mass media interventions
- interventions that attempt to reach large numbers of individuals simultaneously through public forums
- tend to lead to population awareness but effect on individual behavior change in unproven
environmental interventions
aspects of the physical environment can affect PA
-walkability to neighbours
-distance of schools and homes
-sidewalk placement
-access to bike lanes
short term increase in PA when outdoor parks and fitness facilities
long-term effects of environmental
recommendations for interventions to increase PA
-determine the needs of your target audience
COM-B (behavior) model
-use a theory to help drive intervention choice, execution and justification
-don’t throw too much at someone at once
PA as a treatment
-some researchers ask, “what can PA do to help individuals manage the many challenges that occur with a long-term illness or disability
also, what can PA do to help improve quality of life?
-PA can help people deal with:
-depression brought on by cancer
-anxiety, stress, and depression
-body-image, self-esteem