Chapter 8 Flashcards
- behavioral processes through which one person influences another person, or a group of others, towards attaining a specific set of objectives or goals
- things that people do to influence of a group to obtain certain goals or objectives
approaches to understanding leadership
- personality
- situation and contingencies
approaches to understanding leadership: personality
-At times, leadership has been considered a personality trait.
Personality-centered view of leadership was popular in the 1960’s and 1970’s but then it dwindled likely due to the inconsistent nature of the research findings – yet there has been a bit of a resurgence since the advent of the 5-factor model of personality where this model was applied to the understanding of personality in sport and physical activity settings.
personality: 5 factor model
-meta-analysis of the 5 personality factors and leadership emergence and effectiveness work place and sport settings
-the emergence and effectiveness of leaders was associated with:
-higher extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness to experience
Studies were done in workplace and sport:
- Negative association between neuroticism and leadership
* only 4 studies*
What about Personality Match between leaders and followers?
Jackson et al., (2011) found that when athletes and coaches had similar personalities:
-extraversion, openness to experiences:
there was greater mutual commitment
transactional and transformational leadership
- full range model of leadership
- outlines a spectrum of leadership behaviors ranging from ineffective-highly effective
non leadership
- ineffective type of leader
- not making decisions
- absence
- indifference
transactional leadership
-Use rewards and recognition and compliance-maximizing behaviors to get others to do what they want
Key behaviors:
-Waiting for mistakes to arise; responding with corrective direction and punishment
-Active monitoring and providing corrective direction
-Providing rewards and recognition that is contingent on successful task execution or role responsibilities
transformational leadership
-Going beyond one’s self-interests to empower, inspire and give those being led confidence to achieve higher level functioning
Key behaviors:
-Intellectually stimulation: foster independent thinking (e.g, questioning assumptions; seeing things a different way; think for themselves)
-Individualized consideration: acting with care, compassion and empathy to support psychological and physical needs of others
-Inspirational motivation: use of optimism and encouragement and holding high expectations of others
-Idealized influence: act as role models through living their values and ideals (walking the walk)
-strongly correlated
transformational leadership model
- intrinsic motivation
- better performance
- higher coach ratings
- less aggression
how do leadership behaviors develop?
Nature: Genetics has been found to relate to leadership behaviors (twin-studies)
Nurture: Parenting affects transformational leadership behaviors of children in sport
Professional development training
transformational leadership in physical education
- transformational leadership behaviors can be used by PE teachers to shape the learning environment
- the use of transformational leadership behaviors by teachers has been associated with:
- improved beliefs and attitudes towards PE
- greater motivation towards PE and PA generally
- greater enjoyment of PE
- greater satisfaction with teacher
- improved behavioral engagement and involvement in leisure time PA
- satisfaction of student pyschological needs
- self-efficacy beliefs
athlete leaders in sport
- athlete leader: team member who acts (formally or informally) to guide and influence other team members towards a common objective
- size of team affects formal designation of leaders
athlete leaders serve 3 functions
- help members accomplish task objectives
ex) mentoring new members - help members meet social needs
ex) organize team activities outside the sport context - help represent team through external needs
ex) representing the team with in the community
- important to also consider who is being led
- narcissism: a trait where people exaggerate their talents and accomplishments and have an inflated sense of their own self-importance
- people high in narcissim did not respond well when leaders emphasize group goals and the importance of team work
leadership in exercise
- exercise leaders can impact participation, satisfaction, enjoyment and engagement
- exercise leaders with enriched versus bland leadership styles lead to the above outcomes
- enriched leaders give frequent individual attention; provide positive, encouraging feedback; recognize participants efforts
- qualities of tranformational leadership also extend to exercise leaders
best practices in effective leadership
- clearly indicate how the team/group/athlete should operate and seek member input
- respond to individual differences and needs. provide individualized feedback
- encourage followers to see challenges as opportunities and to approach challenge from multiple perspective. encourage followers to think for themselves
- share personal values and beliefs. make it clear what standards you hold for those followers. model those behaviors yourself
- be enthusiastic and optimistic on what followers can achieve