Chapter 9 North Africa and Middle East quiz Flashcards
What are the subregions of North Africa?
The Nile Valley region and the Maghreb region
What countries are in the Nile Valley region?
Sudan and Egypt
What countries are in the Maghreb region?
Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and the Wester Sahara*
What is the official language of North Africa?
What is the predominant religion in North Africa?
What are the 3 major ethnic groups of North Africa?
The Berbers, Egyptians, and Arabs
What has influenced North Africa?
European colonialism, mostly the French and British
What is the dividing line between North Africa and the rest of Africa?
The Sahara Desert
What is a prominent physical feature in North Africa?
The Atlas Mountains
What countries and regions are separated by the Strait of Gibraltar?
Spain and Morocco- This strait separated North Africa and Europe
What separates North Africa and Europe?
The Strait of Gibraltar
What is a popular filming location in North Africa?
What movie(s) was/were filmed in Tunisia?
Star Wars
When did the Arab Spring begin?
2010 when people begin to seek government reforms
What did the Arab Spring cause [overall] ?
Significant changes in the Middle East
Where did the Arab Spring begin and where did it spread to?
It began in Tunisia and spread to Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and more
What kind of changes did the Arab Spring cause?
Both violent and non-violent protests, changes in leadership, civil wars, etc
Where are the effects of the Arab Spring still being seen?
Syria, Yemen, and Libya
How many countries does the UN include in North Africa?