Chapter 1 vocab Flashcards
The extent of a feature’s spread over space
Contagious Diffusion
The rapid and widespread diffusion of a a characteristic throughout the population
Cultural Ecology
The geographic study of human-environment relationships
Cultural Landscape
A combination of cultural features, economic features, and physical features
The frequency with which something occurs in space
The process by which a characteristic spreads across space from one place to another over time
Distance Decay
The diminishing in importance and eventual disappearance of a phenomenon with increasing distance from its origin
Environmental Determinism
An approach on how the physical environment caused social development
Expansion Diffusion
The spread of a feature from one place to another through a process and is not always immediate
Functional region
An area organized around a node of focal point
A computer system that captures, stores, query, analyzes, and displays geographic data
A system that accurately determines the precise position of something on earth
A force of process that involves the entire world and results in making something worldwide in scope
The place from which an innovation originates
Hierarchal diffusion
The spread of an idea from people or nodes of authority or power to other people or places
Mental map
An internal representation of a portion of Earth’s surface
Physiological Density
The number of people per unit of area suitable for agriculture
Pieces of land that’s created by draining a body of water from any area
The theory that the physical environment may set limits on human actions, but people have the ability to adjust the physical environment and choose a course of action from many alternatives
The scientific method of transferring locations on Earth’s surface to a flat map
An area of earth’s surface distinguished by a distinctive combination of cultural and physical features
Relocation Diffusion
The spread of an idea through physical movement of people from one place to another
Remote Sensing
The acquisition of data about earth’s surface from a satellite orbiting earth or from other long-distance methods
The relationship between the portion of earth being shown/studied and earth as a whole
Absolute location……The physical character of a place
The location of a place relative to other places
Stimulus diffusion
The spread of an underlying principle, even though a characteristic itself apparently fails to diffuse
The way we use earth’s resources to ensure the resources’ availability
The name given to a place on earth
Vernacular (perceptual) region
A place that people think exists as a part of their cultural identity
The science of map making
Formal region
Any area that has clearly defined boundaries. (City, state, country,etc)
Chloropleth map
Shows you by county, country, or state where something is
Dot distribution map
Lots of dots everywhere that are the same size
Isoline map
Wavy lines everywhere, weather maps
Proportional map
Dot sizes vary based on the amount of the thing being measured