Chapter 9: General Survey, Measurement, Vital Signs Flashcards
General Survey
the overall (general) picture of the patient’s current status. It includes the general health state and ANY OBVIOUS physical characteristics, the overall impression
General Survey includes:
A. Physical appearance
B. Body Structure
C. Behavior
D. Vital Signs (VS)
Physical appearance includes
- appears stated age
- gender
- level of consciousness LOC (alert, responsive, attentive, etc.)
- any signs of distress
Also note facial features(symmetric w/ movement), skin color (even? Skin intact?)
Body Structure includes
- nutrition: current status based on general appearance (weight)
- position: (and maybe posture, height)
Also note: symmetry, stature (height appears w/in normal range for age, genetic heritage.)
Behavior includes
- mood and affect: calm, anxious, comfortable, cooperative, etc.
- speech: articulation, clear, slurred, etc.
- hygiene: clean and well groomed, disheveled, etc.
also note: facial expressions(person maintains eye contact, expression appropriate for situation), dress (clean, fits, appropriate to culture and climate), personal hygiene.
Electronic thermometer
Swift, accurate measurement. Safe, unbreakable, with disposable covers.
Also assess for
Weight (same time, same place, same dress. Compare weight with previous weight), height (align extended pieces to top of head, no shoes) and BMI (optimal weight for height and age)
Report temperature in
Degrees Ceslius unless your agency uses Fahrenheit scale.
Stroke volume
Amount of blood every heart beat pumps into aorta.
Average stroke volume in adults
70 mL
Normal temperature fluctuates when
Diurnal cycle (changes as day goes on)
Menstrual Cycle: temp is up 0.5 degrees F - 1.0 degree F
Assess pulse for
Rate, rhythm, force, elasticity
Normal heart range for adult
60-100 bpm
Less than 60 bpm
Sinus arrhythmia
- Here, heart rate varies with the respiratory cycle. Speeding up at peak of inspiration and slowing to normal with expiration.
- Inspiration momentarily causes decreased stroke volume. The heart in response, works harder.
Average BP in young adult is
120/80 mm Hg
Cuff size is too big
Could make blood pressure lower than it is.
Cuff size is too small
Makes blood pressure higher than it is.
Inflate cuff about ________ above the patients normal blood pressure
20-30 mm Hg