Abnormalities Of The Musculoskeletal System Flashcards
Rheumatoid Arthritis
chronic, systemic inflammatory disease of joints and surrounding connective tissue
Rheumatoid Arthritis is characterized by
characterized by heat, redness, swelling, and painful motion of the affected joints.
worse in the morning when arising
noninflammatory, localized, progressive disorder involving deterioration of articular cartilages and subchondral bone, and formation of new bone at joint surfaces
Effects of Osteoarthritis
affected joints have stiffness, swelling with hard bony protuberances, pain with motion, and limitation of motion
worse later in the day
decrease in skeletal bone mass occurring when rate of bone resorption is greater than that of bone formation
Loss of muscle mass
Dislocated Shoulder
anterior dislocation (95%) is exhibited as a hollow where it would normally look rounded
Joint effusion
Swelling from excess fluid in the joint capsule
Torn Rotator Cuff
Characteristic “hunched” position and limited abduction of the arm
Gouty Arthritis
joint effusion or synovial thickening
Gouty Arthritis is characterized by
characterized by redness, heat, soft, boggy or fluctuant fullness to palpation and limited ROM
Aka tennis elbow - chronic disabling pain at the lateral epicondyle of humerous, radiates down extensor surface of forearm
Ganglion Cyst
round cystic, nontender nodule overlying a tendon sheath or joint capsule
usually on dorsum of wrist
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
atrophy occurs from interference with motor function due to compression of the median nerve inside the carpal tunnel, caused by chronic repetitive motion
webbed fingers, congenital deformity
Extra digits
Osgood Schlatter Disease
painful swelling of the tibial tubercle just below the knee, due to repeated stress on the patellar tendon
Curvature of the spine
Congenital dislocated hip
Head of the femur is displaced out of the cup shaped acetabulum
Spina Bifida
incomplete closure of the posterior part of vertebrae results in a neural tube defect
usually occurs 4th week if gestation
usually felt as a cramping or aching