Chapter 4: Complete Health History Flashcards
What is the purpose of a complete health history?
Is to collect subjective data and build rapport.
What are the two types of data?
Subjective vs. objective
Subjective data
What the person says about himself or herself
Objective data
What you observe through measurement, inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation.
Adult Health History Sequence
- Biographical Data
- Source of history/Reliability
- Chief complaint/Reason for seeking care
- History of Present Illness
- Past Health
- Family History
- Functional Assessment (ADL)
- Review of Systems
Biographic Data
Includes name, address, phone number, date of birth, age, birthplace, gender, marital partner status, race, ethnic origin and occupation.
Source of History/Reliability
- Record who furnishes the information
- Judge how reliable the informant seems and how willing they are to communicate
- Note if the person appears well or Ill
Reason for Seeking Care/Chief Complaint
A. Brief spontaneous statement in client’s own words, should be in quotations
B. Usually just one symptom, concern, sign.
***History of Present Illness (HPI/Symptomanalysis)
A. Location B. Quality/Character C. Quantity/Severity D. Timing (onset, duration, frequency) E. Setting F. Aggravating and Relieving Factors G. Associated Factors H. Patient's Perception I. (Radiation)
Past Health
A. Childhood Illnesses B. Accidents or injuries C. Serious or chronic illnesses D. Hospitalizations E. Operations F. Obstetric History G. Immunization a H. Last Exam I. Allergies J. Medications
Family History
Disease processes that run in the family, think about genetic diseases.
A. Genogram - minimum of 3 generations, include ages, diseases, ages at death, cause of death, etc.
Functional Assessment (ADL)
A. Education B. Activities/Exercise C. Sleep/rest D. Nutrition E. Roles/relationships/responsibilities/resources F. Spiritual resources G. Coping & Stress management H. Personal Habits I. Environment Hazards J. Occupation Hazards K. Safety
Review of Systems
(Ask a minimum of 3 symptoms for each system) A. General B. Skin/hair C. Head/neck D. Eyes E. Ears, nose, throat (mouth) F. Breasts G. Respiratory H. Cardiovascular I. Peripheral vascular J. Gastrointestinal K. Genitourinary/sexual health L. Musculoskeletal M. Neurological N. Hematologist O. Endocrine
History of Present Illness: Location
Ask the person to point to the location. If the problem is pain, note the precise site.
History of Present Illness: Character or Quality
Descriptive terms such as burning, sharp, dull, aching, etc.
History of Present Illness: Quantity/Severity
Quantify the symptom of pain using a scale.
History of Present Illness: Timing
Onset, Duration and Frequency. Ex) When did the symptom first appear? How often does it occur? How long does it last?