Chapter 4: Complete Health History Flashcards
What is the purpose of a complete health history?
Is to collect subjective data and build rapport.
What are the two types of data?
Subjective vs. objective
Subjective data
What the person says about himself or herself
Objective data
What you observe through measurement, inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation.
Adult Health History Sequence
- Biographical Data
- Source of history/Reliability
- Chief complaint/Reason for seeking care
- History of Present Illness
- Past Health
- Family History
- Functional Assessment (ADL)
- Review of Systems
Biographic Data
Includes name, address, phone number, date of birth, age, birthplace, gender, marital partner status, race, ethnic origin and occupation.
Source of History/Reliability
- Record who furnishes the information
- Judge how reliable the informant seems and how willing they are to communicate
- Note if the person appears well or Ill
Reason for Seeking Care/Chief Complaint
A. Brief spontaneous statement in client’s own words, should be in quotations
B. Usually just one symptom, concern, sign.
***History of Present Illness (HPI/Symptomanalysis)
A. Location B. Quality/Character C. Quantity/Severity D. Timing (onset, duration, frequency) E. Setting F. Aggravating and Relieving Factors G. Associated Factors H. Patient's Perception I. (Radiation)
Past Health
A. Childhood Illnesses B. Accidents or injuries C. Serious or chronic illnesses D. Hospitalizations E. Operations F. Obstetric History G. Immunization a H. Last Exam I. Allergies J. Medications
Family History
Disease processes that run in the family, think about genetic diseases.
A. Genogram - minimum of 3 generations, include ages, diseases, ages at death, cause of death, etc.
Functional Assessment (ADL)
A. Education B. Activities/Exercise C. Sleep/rest D. Nutrition E. Roles/relationships/responsibilities/resources F. Spiritual resources G. Coping & Stress management H. Personal Habits I. Environment Hazards J. Occupation Hazards K. Safety
Review of Systems
(Ask a minimum of 3 symptoms for each system) A. General B. Skin/hair C. Head/neck D. Eyes E. Ears, nose, throat (mouth) F. Breasts G. Respiratory H. Cardiovascular I. Peripheral vascular J. Gastrointestinal K. Genitourinary/sexual health L. Musculoskeletal M. Neurological N. Hematologist O. Endocrine
History of Present Illness: Location
Ask the person to point to the location. If the problem is pain, note the precise site.
History of Present Illness: Character or Quality
Descriptive terms such as burning, sharp, dull, aching, etc.
History of Present Illness: Quantity/Severity
Quantify the symptom of pain using a scale.
History of Present Illness: Timing
Onset, Duration and Frequency. Ex) When did the symptom first appear? How often does it occur? How long does it last?
History of Present Illness: Setting
Where was the person or what were they doing when the symptom started? What brings it on?
History of Present Illness: Aggravating and Relieving Factors
What makes the pain worse?What is the effect of any treatment? (What makes it better/What makes it worse?)
History of Present Illness: Associated Factors
Is this primary symptom associated with any others?
History of Present Illness: Patient’s Perception
Find out he meaning of the symptom by asking how it affects daily activities. Also ask directly, “What do you think it means?”
History of Present Illness: Radiotion
Where is it? Does it spread anywhere?
Past Health: Childhood Illnesses
Measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, pertussis, polio, strep throat (rheumatic fever/scarlet fever)
Past Health: Accidents or Injuries
Auto accidents, fractures, etc.
Past Health: Serious or Chronic Illnesses
Diabetes, asthma, hypertension, depression, etc.
Past Health: Hospitalizations
Cause, name of hospital, treatment, duration, complications, etc.
Past Health: Operations
Type of surgery, date, MD, hospital, complications, etc.
Past Health: Obstetric History
G__ : Number of Pregnancies
T__ : Number of Deliveries in which the fetus reached full term.
PT__ : Number of Preterm pregnancies
Ab__ : Number of incomplete pregnancies (miscarriages or abortions)
L__ : Number of children living
Past Health: Immunizations
Includes tetanus, influenza, TB, Hep A & B, zoster, pneumococcal, meningococcal, HPV
Past Health: Last Examination
Type, date, results
Past Health: Allergies
Note allergen and reaction
Past Health: Medications
Name, dose/amount, frequency, duration, reason for use. Include prescription and over the counter, supplements, etc.
Functional Assessment (ADL): Education
- Last grade completed, other significant training
Functional Assessment (ADL): Sleep/Rest
Sleep patterns, daytime naps, any sleep aids used
Functional Assessment (ADL): Nutrition
Record the diet by a recall of all food and beverages taken over the past 24 hours.
Functional Assessment (ADL): roles/relationships/responsibilities/resources
Ask about social roles, support systems, include contact with spouse, sibling, parents, children, friends, organizations, workplace.
Functional Assessment (ADL): Spiritual Resources
Use FICA (Faith Influence Community and Address) questions to incorporate the person’s spiritual values in the health history.
Functional Assessment (ADL): Coping and Stress Management
Types of stresses in life, especially in the past year. Any changes in lifestyle or an current stress methods tried to relieve stress and whether they worked.
Functional Assessment (ADL): Personal Habits
Tobacco: Record number of packs smoked per day and duration. Ask if they tried to quit.
Alcohol: Ask whether person drinks. Ask specific question about the amount and frequency of alcohol use.
Street Drugs: Ask about prescription painkillers such as OxyContin, Vicodin,cocaine, etc. Indicate frequency use and how it has affected work and family.
Functional Assessment (ADL): Environmental Hazards
Housing and Neighborhood.
Safe area?
Adequate heat and utilities, access to transportation and involvement in community services.
Note environmental health.
Functional Assessment (ADL): Occupational Hazards
Ask the person to describe his or her job.
Ever work with any health hazards such as inhalants, chemicals, etc.
Wear any protective equipment? …
Functional Assessment (ADL): Safety (domestic /intimate partner violence)
Has the patient ever been physically or emotionally abused? Feel safe?
Review of Symptoms
needs to ask a minimum of 3 symptoms for each system.
general, skin/hair, head/neck, eyes, ear/nose/throat(mouth), breasts, respiratory, cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, gastrointestinal, genitourinary/sexual health, musculoskeletal, neurologic, hematologic, endocrine
The purposes of the review of systems are to:
(1) evaluate the past and current health state of each body system, (2) double check facts in case any significant data were omitted in the present illness section, and (3) evaluate health promotion practices