Chapter 24: Male Genitalia A&P Flashcards
composed of three cylindrical columns of erectile tissue
Glans penis
distal end of the shaft, the corpus spongiosum expands into a cone of erectile tissue
shoulder where the glans joins the shaft
opening slit at the glans tip
skin that folds over the glands
fold of foreskin on the ventral surface of the urethral meatus
loose protective sac
Cremaster muscle
controls the size of the scrotum by responding to temperature
4-5 cm oval shaped organ located in the scrotum, produces sperm
coiled duct system, main storage site for sperm
Vas deferens
muscular duct
Spermatic cord
ascends along the posterior border of the testis and runs through the inguinal canal into the abdomen, behind the bladder to form the ejaculatory duct
Lymphatics of the penis and scrotum drain into
inguinal lymph nodes
Lymphatics of the testes drain into the
Inguinal Area/Groin
juncture of the lower abdomen wall and the thigh
Inguinal Ligament
between the anterior superior iliac spine and the symphysis pubis
Inguinal Canal
a narrow tunnel passing obliquely between layers of abdominal muscle
Femoral Canal
3 cm medial to the femoral artery
History (Subjective)
A. Urine frequency and/or urgency
B. Nocturia
C. Dysuria
D. Urine hesitancy and straining
E. Urine color and/or odor
F. Past GU Hx - hx UTI, kidney stones, kidney disease, incontinence
G. Penile discharge, pain, and/or lesions
H. Scrotum - lumps or swelling (increased size)
I. Self Care Behavior - testicular self examination
J. Sexual activity and contraceptive use
K. STD Hx and/or Contact
Physical Exam/Assessment (Objective)
A. Inspect and palpate penis - note skin lesion, color, shape, masses
B. Retract foreskin (maybe done by the patient or examiner)
-Smegma is a common finding, white cheesy substance, dead skin cells
C. Note the urethral meatus position - it should be centrally located, note any
D. Inspect and palpate scrotum, palpate testis, note nodules, absent testis, marked
tenderness, swelling
1. If swelling is present, note transillumination
E. Palpate spermatic cord - note swelling and/or tenderness
F. Inspect and palpate for hernia - inspect inguinal region for a bulge, palpate the
inguinal canal, palpate the femoral area
G. Palpate inguinal lymph nodes
H. Testicular Self Examination (TSE) Instruction
Testicular Self Examination TSE
T- timing, 1x/month
S - shower, warm water relaxes scrotal sac
E - examine, check for changes, masses, nodules, etc.
clusters of small vesicular lesions with surrounding erythema
painful virus remains dormant indefinitely
begins as a small, solitary, silvery papule that erodes to a red, round/oval superficial ulcer w/ yellowish serous discharge
palpation reveals a nontender indurated base that can be lifted like a button between the thumb and the finger
Genital Warts
soft, fleshy, painless papules may be singles or multiple in a
cauliflowerlike patch, color may be gray, pink, pale yellow or flesh colored
foreskin is fixed and so tight it is impossible to retract over glans
foreskin is retracted and fixed
infection of urethra causes painful burning urination, meatus edges are reddened and swollen
urethral meatus opens on the ventral (under) side of glans or shaft
absent or undescended testis
Testicular Torsion
sudden twisting of spermatic cord, causing excruciating pain
in testicle of sudden onset, one testis usually higher owing to rotation and
acute infection of epididymis, severe pain, rapid swelling, fever,
WBC and bacteria in urine
dilated, tortuous varicose veins in the spermatic cord, feels like a bag
of worms
nontender swelling of testis, collection of serous fluid in tunica
vaginalis surrounding testis, +transillumination
loop of bowel protruding through a weak spot in the musculature