chapter 9 Flashcards
Florence Kelly
advocate for improving the lives of women and children
help to win the passage of Illinois factory act
A social and political reformer
worked against sweatshops
wanted minimum-wage eight hour workdays and children’s rights
Banning the manufacture and sale of alcohol
journalists who wrote about the corrupt side of business and Public life in mass circulation magazines and newspapers
Robert La Follette
Wisconsin Governor who attacked big businesses to drive them out of politics
Bill organized by the people rather than lawmakers
excepting or rejecting an initiative via vote
to remove officials from office before their term is up
17th amendment
allowed for direct election of Senators by all people of the state
The right to vote
Susan B Anthony
leading proponent of woman suffrage cofounded national woman suffrage Association
Vassar College
first woman’s college in the US
National Association of colored woman
managed nurseries reading rooms and kindergartens for the moral education of colored people
three-part strategy for suffrage
gain the right to vote, pursue rights through the courts and constitutional amendment for suffrage
Upton Sinclair
wrote the jungle novel about the meatpacking industry
Square deal
describe various progressive reform
meat inspection act
required strict cleanliness requirements for the meatpacking industry
pure food and drug act
halted the sale of contaminated foods and medicines and called for truth in labeling
some wilderness areas would be preserved while others would be developed for the common good
WEB DuBois
early civil rights activist who helped establish the NAACP
organization for racial equality
Ida Tarbell
McCracken journalist who wrote the history of standard oil Company for McClure’s magazine exposing unscrupulous business practices
what did the 14th amendment failed to grant
woman’s voting right
what is the Federal Reserve system
A national Bank
Agency that investigates trade violations
Organization for improving African American education
movement to return government control to the people
scientific management
management meant to improve productivity in the workplace
Clayton antitrust act
protecting unions from big business
Roosevelts square deal
consumer protection
laws will be enforced equally on people and business
consumer protection
meat inspection act
pure food and drug act
Sherman Antitrust act (break up trusts)
broke up standard oil
broke up 6 trusts total
unregulated big business
wanted federal regulation
set minimum rates for railroads and couldn’t change set rates without notifying public
Elkins act
Hepburn act
Elkins act
can’t give or receive rebates (railroads)
Hepburn act
limited distribution of free railroad passes
what did Roosevelt do for the 1902 coal strike
10% raise
9 hour work days
national reclamation act
1.5 million acres for water power sites
20 million acres to geological survey
150 million acres of forest reserve
Roosevelt and racial discrimination
supported individuals
fails to support
Booker T Washington to lunch
Booker T Washington
leader of all black training school
Progressives Taft
- no Richard Ballinger
- wasn’t progressive enough
- supported Payne Aldrich act
Payne Aldrich act
decreased some tariffs and increased others
Richard Ballinger
opened 1 million acres to timber and mining
who did the progressives form into
bull moose party
by Roosevelt as a third party candidate
conservatives and Taft
supported him, broke up 90 trusts
- didn’t like Roosevelt because he busted up trusts
- Supported Payne Aldrich act
- less conservation
who did the conservatives turn into
1912 election and big business
big businesses okay, don’t monopolize
1912 election and big business
big businesses okay
1912 elections and big businesses
didn’t like monopolies and big businesses
small companies increase competition
1912 election and big business
Eugene V Debs
redistribute wealth
government should own businesses
what did Wilson want, basic
economic opportunities
three things Wilson did
attacked trusts
reduced tariffs
reorganized fine ideal system
attacked trusts
Clayton Antitrust act
Federal trade act
Reduce tariffs
underwood act
reorganize financial system
federal income tax (16th amendment)
federal reserve act
Progressive movement
The struggle to make government more responsive to the needs of the people it aimed at restoring economic opportunities and correcting injustices in American life
how did new opportunities for women affect their lives
marriage was no longer demanded
worked towards Niger education and went to college
two strategies for suffragists
pass state laws
14th amendment which didn’t allow them to vote
which amendment let women vote
when did the 19th amendment pass
four goals of progressivism
protecting social welfare
promoting moral improvement
create economic reforms
fostering efficiency
protecting social welfare progressivism
soften working conditions
promoting moral improvement
progressivism goal
improve personal behavior, prohibition
creating economic reform
more equality
fostering efficiency
cut back on work days to be more productive