chapter 21 Flashcards
Plessy v Ferguson
signs like “colored water” and “Whites Only” were the norm for more than 55 years
(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)
WEB Dubois
focused on inequalities of segregated public education
Brown v Board of Education
girl denied admission to all white school
overturned plessy v ferguson
Little rock 9
group of students in arkansas that went to school for the first time with whites
eisenhower sent 101st airborne
Orval Faubus
tried to turn away the little rock 9
four people that influenced MLK’s brand of non violent resistance called soul force
freedom riders
hoped to integrate buses and bus terminals
letter from a birmingham jail
protesting segregation in south
views on civil rights movement
civil rights act of 1964
banned discrimination in public accommodations and employment
established equal employment opportunity commission
freedom summer
campaign focused in Mississippi
began to register blacks to vote
3 civil rights workers killed
voting rights act of 1965
eliminated literacy tests
de facto segregation
based on practice and custom
Watts neighborhood
worst race riots in history
34 killed
hundreds of millions in damage
Malcolm X
follower of nation of islam
philosophy of black superiority
radical (militant approach)
Stokely Carmichael
called for black people to define their own goals
black power
changed from SNCC to black panthers
James Earl Ray
MLK ended his march on a balcony in Memphis as a result of him
Thurgood Marshall
NAACP lawyer
lead attorney of Brown v Board of education
first black american supreme court justice
pastor until montgomery boycott
known for soul force
Joe Jackson
civil rights leader
wanted direct action in positive form
build black community
voting was key
Emmitt Till
case showed blacks weren’t treated fair in courts
murdered for whistling
affirmative action
seeks to correct past discrimination
favored previously disadvantaged
first used for education and job opportunities
Jim Crow Laws
wanted blacks separate
sitting on juries
appearing in public with whites
three ways blacks were kept from voting
literact test
poll tax
grandfather clause
nation of islam
based off teachings of Elijah Muhammed
preached that whites were cause of black condition
blacks should separate from white society
defend themselves
student nonviolent coordinating committee
southern Christian leadership conference
marches and protests
older and church leaders
how did Kennedy help the freedom riders
sent 400 us marshals to protect riders
March on Washington
demand congress to pass civil rights bill
A Phillip Randolph
I have a dream speech
March from Selma to Montgomery
wanted to have a new voting rights act to register black voter
de jure segregation
segregation by law
Malcolm x after Mecca
black panthers
political party to fight police brutality