chapter 13 Flashcards
made alcohol illegal
Hidden saloons with alcohol
bought liquor put flasks in boots
organized crime
disrespect for law because of prohibition
Al Capone ran a gang in Chicago which took control of the city and killed off all competition
interpreted the bible literally, skeptical of scientific discoveries and theories
the scopes trial
March 1925
Tennessee passed nations first law that made it a crime to teach evolution (teacher found guilty)
Clarence Darrow
most famous lawyer in the scopes trial
defended scopes
Williams Jennings Bryan
served as a special prosecutor
embraced new fashions and attitudes
short dresses
double standard
set principles requiring women to observe stricter standards while men had more freedom
new roles of women
we’re teachers nurses and librarians
took over men’s jobs
school enrollment
caused by child labor laws
high school education now important to get a job
1 million to 4 million people in school
news coverage
education increased literacy
learned to hook readers
news in and out of country
power of the radio
most powerful communication hear news hear president hear World Series sports heroes
Charles Lindbergh
1st pilot to make nonstop flight across Atlantic solo
lucky lindy
Sinclair Lewis
Nobel peace prize winner
babe Ruth
became a household name
sports star
Harlem Renaissance
literary and artistic movement celebrating African Americans
F Scott Fitzgerald
wrote great gatsby
mainly wrote about 1920
Marcus Garvey
thought African Americans should build a separate society
the Jazz age.
1920s Jazz became popular
more free time
8 hour work days
rural and urban differences
people in small towns thought that the people in the cities were threatening… too much change