chapter 15 Flashcards
new deal
new way of governing
policies focused on the three r
three r’s
immediate action taken to halt the economies deterioration
pump priming
temporary programs to restart the flow of consumer demand
permanent programs to avoid another depression and insure citizens against economic disaster
glass steak all act
established Federal deposit insurance corporation
regulated banks
federal securities act
created securities and exchange commission
regulated stock market
made inside trading illegal
agricultural adjustment act
raised crop prices by paying farmers not to plant or destroy crops already planted or harvested
limited production
civilian conservation corps
put young men 18-25 to work developed parks, planted trees, helped with soil erosion and flood control jobs program shows concern for government. 3 million men
national industrial recovery act
provided money to states to build schools and community buildings
fair practice for industry
works progress administration
put people to work as quickly as possible
built roads building and infrastructure
wrote music paint
deficit spending
spending more money than the governing take on in one year
heavy borrowing
Huey long
opposed new deal
didn’t go far enough to reform economy
share the wealth
national youth administration
helped students with employment
jobs education
Dorothea Lange
paid by FSA (farmers security administration)
took pictures or rural farmers
shot most famous picture
Wagner act
supports unions and collective bargaining
40 hour work week
protected. rights of labor unions to organize
price intended to keep farmers incomes steady by adjusting agricultural prices
social security act
three part act
old age pensions
unemployment insurance
aid to families with dependent kids
Francis Perkins
first female cabinet member
secretary of labor
mary Bethune
head of negros affairs in Roosevelt administration
ensured African Americans were hired under new deal programs
new deal coalition
alignment of diverse groups supporting Democratic Party
court packing
President Roosevelt suggested that he be able to a point one new justice for every justice over the age of 72. Upsets many people
war of the worlds
Radio broadcast by Orson Welles about Martians attacking and destroying the earth. Upset many people
Grant Woods
Paynes American Gothic that real life in America
Tennessee Valley Authority
created dams for hydroelectricity and flood control along the Tennessee River. Was a jobs program as well
federal deposit insurance corporation
guarantee bank deposits to ensure Americans that their savings were safe. Stopped the run on banks
father Coughlin
Roman Catholic priest who turned against the new deal because it didn’t go far enough to change the economy
secretary of labor who chaired committee for the Social Security act
congress of industrial organizations
Labor organization expelled from AFL
American federation of labor
Eleanor Roosevelt
Roosevelts cheif advisor and human right speaker
goal of second new deal was to help these people
grapes of wrath
written by Steinbeck
Life during the depression
native son author
helped by federal writers project
New deal loans helped prevent foreclosure is on these
securities and exchange commission
Monitor stock market
Franklin Roosevelt
two term governor of New York
new deal president during the Great Depression