chapter 17 Flashcards
George Marshall
Army Chief of Staff
A. Phillip Randolph
Called on African Americans everywhere to march for equality during the war.
Office of Price Administration
Fought inflation by freezing prices, wages rents, rationed food
National War Labor Board
Limited wage increases, kept people from changing unions.
War Production Board
Rationed fuel and materials vital to the war effort to ensure industry gets the resources it needs to produce for the war.
Department of the Treasury
Issued war bonds to raise money for the war effort.
Established fixed amounts of goods consumers could purchase by issuing coupon books so that the military had what it needed for the war effort.
Operation Torch
Allied invasion of North Africa.
Battle of Stalingrad
Soviet victory is turning point on the Eastern Front. Germany in retreat from this point onward until V-E day
Dwight Eisenhower
Allied Supreme Commander in Europe. Led Operation Torch and D-Day planning.
George Patton
US Tank Commander, defeated Rommel in Africa and led Battle of the Bulge.
Operation Overlord
Code name for D-Day, the allied invasion of France. June 6, 1944. Turning point in the War in Europe.
Battle of the Bulge
Last ditch effort by the Germans to win the war, they wanted to split American and British forces and break up allied supply lines.
V-E day
May 8, 1945, marks the end of fighting in Europe. Germany surrenders unconditionally.
Harry Truman
Takes over after Roosevelt dies in April of 1945.
Orders to drop atomic bomb
Douglas MacArthur
Allied Supreme Commander in the Pacific.
Doolittle Raid
led 16 bombers in an attack on Tokyo, lifting American spirits after Pearl Harbor.
Corral Sea
First time Japanese attack had been turned back in the war.
Turning point in the Pacific, Japanese forces defeated and four aircraft carriers destroyed, breaking the Japanese ability to carry out offensive war.
Iwo Jima
Greatest number of American casualties in the war in the Pacific.
Showed the Allies how tough and costly an invasion of the Japanese islands would be.
Robert Oppenheimer
Research Director of the Manhattan Project
Manhattan Project
Code name for development of the atomic bomb
First atomic bomb, Little Boy, dropped over this industrial city.
Second atomic bomb dropped over this city, ending World War II.
Nuremberg Trials
Nazi leaders put on trial for crimes against humanity.
Yalta Conference
Big Three meet at seaside resort to discuss the fate of Germany and the postwar world. Soviets agree to assist America in defeating Japan.
Occupation of Japan
Douglas MacArthur reshaped Japan’s economy and introduced free market practices and transformed the government into a democracy. The MacArthur Constitution is still in Place.
Turning point in North Africa. Patton defeated Rommel and the allies move into Southern Italy.
Congress Racial Equality
fights segregation
James Farmer - founder
Japanese American Citizen League
pushed government to compensate prisoners
GI Bill of Rights
free college for veterans
federal loans for homes and businesses
Japanese Americans