chapter 18 Flashcards
2 economic systems in conflict during the cold war
iron curtain
“from stettin in the baltic to trieste in the adriatic” winston churchill
division between communist countries and free west
8,000 word telegram sent by george f kennan
basic policy of the US for stopping the spread of communism
truman doctrine
idea that led to US support for Greece and Turkey
two organizations that the US joined to end any hopes of isolationistic tendencies after WWII
United Nation
a peace keeping organization
12 member defensive alliance system in 1949 after blockade
Chiang Kai-shek
leader of nationalist forces in struggle for power in China
Mao Zedong
led communists to power in 1949
leader of communist forces in China
38th parallel
where Korea starts and ends
same after war
General Douglas MacArthur
El Supremo
leader of the UN forces in Japan and Korea
why did Truman fire MacArthur
disobeyed direct orders to stop discussing war with China
House Unamerican Activities Committee
investigated communist influences in the movie industry
The Hollywood Ten
refused to cooperate because the HUAC investigation was unconstitutional
sent to prison
accused of soviet propaganda
Alger Hiss
accused to spying for the soviets by Whittaker Chambers
jailed for perjury
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
only two spies that were executed for espionage
accused of giving soviet union info about US atomic bomb
McCarron Act
unlawful to plan any action that might lead to the establishment of a totalitarian dicatorship in US
Warsaw Pact
soviet response to NATO
relying heavily on atomics
the central intelligence agency
used spies around the world to gather info
carried out covert operations
interfered with foreign governments
all to stop communism
shot into space by soviet union
first unmanned artificial satellite put into space
Gary Francis Powers
spied on soviet union took pictures from his plane U-2 high flier shot down over enemy airspace created international incident
marshall plan
aid Western Europe, in which the United States gave $13 billion
berlin airlift
sent 1 plane every two minutes for 11 months to eastern germany for food and supplies
because of berlin blockade
people condemned for having communist background
joseph mccarthy
ineffective legislator who accused communists of taking over government
caught when he made accusations about army
attacks on suspected communists