chapter 14 Flashcards
housing in the great depression
build makeshift shack’s out of scrap material,
numerous shantytowns spring up,
lived in old cars and crates
farming during the great depression
thousands of farmers lost their land through foreclosure,
many farmers turned to tenant farming
dust bowl,
migrate west (oakies)
racial tensions during the great depression
minorities and whites competed for jobs
blacks lynched
Mexicans deported and or left
Family life during the great depression
families entertain themselves
some families broke apart due to stress
feeding children was hard
physical health during the great depression
starved to death
lack of nutrition
malnutrition Rose
emotional health during the great depression
suicide rates rose
many people were admitted to mental hospitals
people never recovered
what was the dustbowl
The region hardest hit in 1934 during drought and caused by ineffective management
soup kitchen
offering free/low-cost food
Lines of people waiting to receive food by organization
Direct relief
cash payments for food provided by government to the poor
President Hoover’s philosophy of government
opposed welfare and direct relief
government should encourage corporations
what did Hoover do after the stock market crashed
he called together key leaders to find solutions
what was the nation’s economic situation a year after the crash
they had difficulties increasing more layoffs and hardship
why did the political tide turned against Hoover in the 1930 election
democrats won more seats in Congress Republicans lost control
how did Hoover’s philosophy change
trickle down theory Direct relief to businessman emergency cash to banks by national credit Corporation Federal home loan Bank Federal Farm Board Hoover dam
how did the economy respond to Hoover’s efforts
too little too late trickle down theory to slow
how did Hoover deal with economic problems
by making the bonus army
communist and criminal record
provided food and supplies
what happened in the 1932 election
Hoover lost by a lot only five states voted for him
employment in the great depression
people lost their jobs
unemployment for African-Americans and Latinos were higher
people fought for jobs
men went out to find jobs