chapter 16 Flashcards
governmental system
exerts total control over its people
individuals have no rights government suppresses all opposition
Benito Mussolini
establish totalitarian regime in Italy
played on fears that Italy would turn communist; turned fascist
Joseph Stalin
took control of Soviet Union
abolished all forms of private ownership
transformed Soviet Union from backwards country to industrial powerhouse
extreme nationalism, controlled by a dictator,
placed interests of the state above individual needs.
German brand of fascism.
Means living space.
Securing the land and soil with which to feed, house, grow the German race.
Francisco Franco
Fascist leader of Spain,
leader of the Spanish Civil War.
American foreign policy before and after World War I,
meant to keep America out of world political crises.
Neutrality Acts
Series of Acts meant to enforce isolationism,
outlawed arms sales or loans to countries at war.
Neville Chamberlain
British Prime Minister before World War II who signed the Munich Pact.
Winston Churchill
Opposition leader in Great Britain,
called the Munich Agreement “appeasement” and condemned it.
Giving up principles to pacify an aggressor.
Nonaggression Pact
Agreement between Germany and Soviet Union to never attack one another.
Lightening War.
Strategy by Germany
use advances in technology to take the enemy by surprise and crush opposition with overwhelming force.
Phony War
German, British, French troops mass along French border and wait for war.
Charles de Gaulle
French General
fled to Britain and set up government in exile.
Battle of Britain
Air war for control of Britain.
Germany bombed British cities day and night to force surrender.
Systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe.
Night of broken glass.
Beginning of the roundup of the Jews in Germany.
Final Solution
Policy of genocide,
deliberate and systematic extermination of the Jews, Gays, Gypsies and political opposition.
Concentration Camps
Labor camps where Jews and other undesirables were sent.
Tripartite Pact
Mutual defense treaty signed by Germany, Italy and Japan.
Selective Service Act
allowed for training and drafting of men in the United States.
Arsenal of Democracy
US Military aid for Great Britain and the Soviet Union in the early stages of WWII.
Cash and Carry
Allows warring nations to buy U.S. arms as long as they paid cash and carried them in their own ships.
Lend Lease Agreement
U.S. to lend or lease arms to nations whose defense is vital to the United States safety.
Atlantic Charter
Joint declaration of war aims by the US and Britain.
Hideki Tojo
Japanese military leader in charge of Japan.
December 7, 1941
Date Japan bombs Pearl Harbor.
US enters the war against Japan and Germany.
Why does Germany turn to Adolf Hitler
War debts, reliance on U.S. loans, 6 million unemployed, Treaty of Versailles
Black Shirts
The Black shirts enforced Mussolini’s viewpoints at gunpoint many times
Union with Germany
The world did nothing to prevent this
Majority of Austria’s people, 6 million, were Germans who favored
first death camp set up in 1941
Elie Wiesel’s boon
described life in the concentration camps of the Nazis
What percent of Polands Jewish population was exterminated
Which countries did cash and carry benefit
Great Britain
Soviet Union
What pulls the US into the war
Pearl Harbor
Arsenal of democracy
The US
supplied most of the weapons to defeat the Axis powers
Goals set by the charter
Collective Security Self-determination Disarmament Economic Cooperation Freedom of the Seas
Used in battle of britian to defeat luftwaffe
What was the most important area for Japan to conquer if they wished to maintain a military after 1941?
The Philippines.
They were the largest source of oil in the region
we cut off their supplies, they needed the resource to maintain their military presence in the Pacific.