Chapter 9 Flashcards
Discovering Maltreatment
Found by radiologists in 1940s
Why no pediatricians?
Lack of understanding, unwillingness to believe parents can do this, patient confidentiality
“unspecified trauma”
NOW called “battered child syndrome” in 1962
Child Maltreatment Laws
Passed first in 1960s and 1970s
Physical, emotional, sexual abuse and neglect
Incidents of Child Abuse
true numbers hard to define
some studies suggest 4-5 children die everyday from maltreatment
600,000 children were victims and 1,820 died
Who are the victims of child abuse?
Youngest children (1st year of life)
boy and girl children are at equal risk
sexual victimization (girls)
males have higher risk of dying from child maltreatment
largest number of maltreated kids are white
American Alaskan or American Native have highest RATE
Biological parents
90% of kids abused by one or both parents
mothers more likely than fathers
Family risk factors Child
Poverty, unemployment and lack of resources, single-parent households or those with parent who has cohabiting partner, family size
Individual Risks Child
Witnessing or experiencing abuse, young parents, substance use by parents, mental illness, children with disabilities behavioral issues or complex medical needs
Consequences of Child Maltreatment
Physical, cognitive, and developmental effects
PTSD, depression, ADHD, attachment disorder
adult poverty
Responses to Child Maltreatment
Legislation: mandated reporting, doctor-patient privilege does not apply in cases of child maltreatment, immunity provided if acting in good faith
CJS: GAL, child abuse registries, in camera testimony, relaxing hearsay, closing courtroom to public, courthouse dog program
Prevention for child abuse
Education, home visits for pregnant women, safe haven laws
Elder Maltreatment
Mistreatment of a person over the age of 60
Physical/ emotional/psychological/ sexual abuse, financial exploitation, power of attorney abuse
Measurement and Extent of Elder Abuse
adult protective services, nursing home abuse
Who are victims of elder abuse?
Women more likely than males
those over the age of 80
race is not signifcant