chapter 9 Flashcards
In what ways did the Industrial Revolution mark a sharp break with the past? In what ways did it continue earlier patterns? 390
there was a population increase from 375 million- 1 billion. The new energy source is fossil fuels which caused more energy and led to new machines being created. The continues were that women recieved no rights and there was patriarchy. They also used ideas from the sicentific revoltution
What are the differences between the first and second Industrial Revolutions? 390
The frist industrial revolution focused on textiles and the steam engine. the second one focused on chemicals, electricity, machinery, telephone, and printing.
Drawing on your prior knowledge of European History, explain why historians might consider Europe an unlikely place for the Industrial Revolution to have begun. 393
europe was not as advanced as other places at the time which made it seem unlikely for industrialization. Europe was broken up into states that were competitive and they wouldnt be able to cooperate to develop
How does the image on Page 394 illustrate the social and economic changes that took place during the Industrial Revolution?
It shows how coal was burned to produce gas for public lighting which changes the economy with the new inventiton. It shows how people working the furnaces are in poor working conditions, and that the workers arent cared for
Based on your observations and the map on page 395, what is the relationship between areas of natural resources and the growth of industrial cities?
The cities are built near natural resources. the cities are there to use the resources.
Why were railroads considered a powerful symbol of the Industrial Revolution? 396
The steam engines were created at the begining of the revolutions and powered the railroad trains which was a revolutionary invention used in present time as well.
How did industrial production transform the social position of England’s aristocratic class? 396
urban wealth became more important and aristocrats got passed by businessmen, manufacturers, and bankers. The business men led the political parties because wealth was determined by how much land you owned
What changes in middle-class gender roles and family dynamics occurred during the Industrial Revolution? 397
The middle class gained wealth and became aristocratic people women didnt have the right to vote and they had to become housewives and mothers. Men were seen as the provider and women seen as a lady.
How did the industrial revolution help the lower class? How did it hurt them? 398
The lower class people had job oppertunities and they got to move into the city.
It hurt them bc of overcrowdedness, smoky air, poor sanittion, epidemics, polluted water sources. And they only lived to 39.5 years
How were the lives of the laboring masses negatively impacted by the Industrial Revolution? 399
They were kicked out of their farms and had to move to the city. Poor working conditions, low wages, high supervision and fines, life expectancy of 39.5
How did governments in Western Europe respond to Marx’s ideas? 403
listening to his ideas and rasing pay, cheaper food, abolishing child labor, and regulating factory conditions. The governments most likely didnt want a revolution to occur because many agreed with marx’s ideas
How could nationalism lessen the potential for socialist revolutions in some countries? 404
people would feel more together and connected with nationalism which is what socialists wouldnt want. Britain wasnt a connected country and some became radical and that wouldnt happen with a nationalism
What aspects of the Industrial Revolution facilitated the migration of Europeans to other parts of the world? 405
People were in poverty, displacement of work, demand for labor overseas, crowded populations prompted people to leave. The us offered land and jobs to immigrants
How might the political and social backgrounds of the United States and Russia have affected their industrial developments? 407
the united states was a new, populated country, that was expanding, and had to organize their government before industrialization. Russia still had a tsar with absolute power, a class system and was behind britian in advancements.
How were the outcomes of the Industrial Revolution in Japan similar to those of the US and Russia? 407
Japan flourished like the US and Russia did after the industrilization. They all had new tech, new energy source, changes in classes. They gained global powers and increases in production
How did the process of industrialization in the US differ from that of Russia? 407
US took place in western world democracy and change emerged from the people and workers
russia during the tsars rule, change emerged from the state deciding to catch up to europe
What factors contributed to the making of a revolutionary situation in Russia by the beginning of the 20th century? 411
The middle class people wanted mroe political power and became radical. Some russians found Marxist socialism and wished for revolutions
What processes led to Latin America’s increased connection to the global economy in this era? 415
The US and europe needed raw materials to help the industrialization and Latin america supplied the materials. Latin america had an export boom which gave global connections
How were the social changes in Latin America similar to and different from the social changes in Europe? 417
Both had export booms, social classes gained money, upper classes had economic benefits, the lower class made up most of the population.
Latin americans turned to voilence to solve unfairness
europeans workers went on strike
Using the image on page 419, comparing the role of women in the Mexican revolution with the role of women during the French revolution.
The women in both were actively involved in the fighting. The french stormed the palace while the Latins fought as soliders and helped heal and nurse the men