Chapter 11 Flashcards
How did the responses to Western imperialism by China, the Ottoman Empire, and Japan differ from one another?
. China was forced to be taken over by other forces but it was because of trade with the British who started a war and won by taking it over in the Empire being split between European countries The Ottoman Empire was taken down slowly with military loss and refusal to accept Western ideas which led to the Empire to the fall and get behind and get taken over They have their own government still but dependent on Europe Japan decided to accept the European trade and negotiate treaties it avoided wars and was able to make improvements by accepting Western ideas
To what extent was the policy of Qianlong a continuity in the interactions between China and those it perceived as outsiders?
China has stopped trade with foreign countries for a long time in the past Qianlong continued this tradition because he declined the requests of the British and didn’t want the goods they were offering them This continued the practice of restricting the activities of European traders and merchants The outsiders eventually were able to take down their imperial
What were the causes of massive peasant rebellions in 19th century China?
China’s governing institutions didn’t pay attention to the growing peasant population There was difficulty in tax collection public security and safety of citizens The state lost their power in the provincial officials took over They treated the peasants with unpleasantness and gave harsh punishments The peasants were taxed unemployed and beaten this slide to the peasants to rebell against the official
Analyze the internal and external factors that lead to the Taiping Uprising.
There were frequent Bandit gangs rejection of religions and embracing Christianity Loss of central control of the Empire unemployment in harsh taxation the external factors were the Western nations influencing China in the leading figure Hong xiquan believing there should be an idolized Chinese society from evolutionary change
To what extent were the causes and results of the Taiping Uprising similar to those of the rebellions you learned about in Chapter 8?
The Atlantic Revolutions were caused by class differences in an unorganized government This is similar to the typing revolutions because the peasants were being treated unfairly by government officials Both of the revolutions were caused by upperclass people treating the peasants or slaves unfair which led the lower class people to rebel against the upper classes
Why were the Opium wars considered a major turning point in Chinese History?
The Opium Wars were considered a major returning point in Chinese history because the Chinese and English bought into a war in the English one which led to China opening trade to foreigners and loss of silver to pay for opium China had many unequal trees which were down China’s independence China lost lots of land to western powers who split up the land among themselves The opium wars led to the downfall of the Chinese Empire
To what extent did the action by outsiders lead to significant changes in China during the 19th century?
China was now open to trading after many years of isolation Many trading ports open for foreigners in China They were allowed to practice Christianity China lost Vietnam Korea and Taiwan to Western nations The whole empire was being split among the Western powers China became an informal empire and was not a center of civilization but instead a weak nation
How was the European presence in Asia different from that in Africa?
In Africa the Europeans completely took over through many battles and wars The land won by Europeans was changed and governed differently leaving no thing to the Africans In Asia the Europeans established spheres of influence where they could facilitate what happened within the spirits but China is still technically government Empire In Asia there was still some colonies that were not taken over which was different from Africa because they were completely took over
To what extent were the self-strengthening strategies a continuation of Chinese policies toward outsiders, and to what extent were they a change?
There was still an exam to get an official position there was also still support for the landlord class The soft strengthening strategies were change in Chinese policies because they borrowed ideas from the West like technology They had new industries producing textiles and steel which relied on the foreigners
Explain why the Ottoman Empire was called “the sick man of Europe”
They used to be powerful but we’re now overpowered by Europe The ottoman Empire lost many regions to Christian powers The Ottoman Empire shrank because of aggression from France Russia and the British Egypt modernize and cause the downfall of the Ottoman Empire The empires military fortunes weakened and they lost money to deaths which led to be dependent on Europe
What geographical features made the weakened Ottoman Empire attractive to Russia in the 19th century?
The Empire was located on water The Ottoman Empire was located near the Mediterranean Sea Nile River and the Arabian Peninsula These features would be wanted by Russia because they could trade and travel along the rivers and maintain their territory
What factors lead to the decline of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century?
Egypt coming close to taking down it revenue loss military loss and inability to keep up with Western Force is the Empire had little money and little to no military power leaving it vulnerable The Empire became very in debt and relied on Western powers independent on Europe
In what ways were China and the Ottoman Empire similarly affected by Western industrialism?
Both had rebellions and riots They also had unequal treaties granting foreigners exemptions from laws The Europeans have advantage of both countries and caused them to be in debt and rely on Europe The industrialization led to the weakening of both
How did the Ottoman state respond to internal and external pressures?
By going through defensive modernization which helped the upgrade the army which led to them becoming understate control The Empire also had new industries in Westernized China They also changed the legal status of non-muslims giving them more rights They tried to fix their empire make it stronger to respond to their conflicts
To what extent were the goals of various groups in the Ottoman Empire similar?
They both wanted a type of modernization and they wanted to keep European influence away from their empire They both took means to try and make the Ottomans Empire stronger out of the Europeans grasped which makes the two groups similar
To what extent were the reforms and failures of the Young Ottomans similar to those of the rebels in Russia in 1825 (chapter 8)?
They both had ambitions to change their societies for the better and improve them the reforms in both places failed and they weren’t successful for very long after Russia was somewhat successful but most of the freed serves were impoverished in the Ottoman Empire their emperor accepted constitution but the suspended the reform shortly after
In what ways were the declines in the Ottoman and Chinese Empires similar?
They both began us flourishing countries but became informal empires in Europe They both had little power They tried to modernize but they weren’t strong enough against Europe They also both gave rise to new nationalist conceptions of society The two Empires both had similar ways they declined
To what extent were the leaders of the shogunate in Japan successful in maintaining traditions in the 17th-19th centuries?
They weren’t super successful in maintaining traditions because Japan began to change over the years The Samurai began to evolve into a bureaucratic class they didn’t however maintain the Bushido code they developed new economical growth agricultural innovations and urban development Japan became very urbanized and educated They were also an emerging market
To what extent were the factors that lead to the downfall of the Tokugawa regime similar to factors that lead to the downfall of earlier governments throughout history?
They had famine social change and corruption These are common factors of declines of other empires riots and uprisings were caused by anger from poor in differences in classes which is similar to many other empires that have fallen
To what extent were Japanese reformers justified in believing their independence was in danger?
Sorry because there were other places that got taken over and split up by Europeans which could lead them to believe they were next They wanted to save their empire from foreign rule and takeovers they wanted to save Japan by a thorough transformation of their society and wanted a government with no violence
To what extent did Japan’s 19th century transformations result in revolutionary changes?
They transformed Japan thoroughly and gained unity in the Empire They had a new national army in government Their technology education constitutions changed and were influenced by Western knowledge Japan borrowed ideas carefully had modernization and Christianity made little headway in Meiji the Empire had major improvements after the trans
Explain the changing attitudes toward gender roles in Japan (page 503)
Summer farmers thought that women should have equality to men in that inequality was an obstacle for modernization women education was advocated but the schools were separated by sex Male reformers saw women largely in the context of family life and women were forbidden to join in a 10 political parties men had authority and redeemed as the head of the house and could have government positions and have a public life
To what extent did Japan’s process of industrialization reflect the process of industrialization in other parts of the world?
It was also having advancements and expanding after industrialization much like European powers were splitting up countries they had expansion The other countries industrialized sooner and had spheres of influence already Japan followed this and had a war against China and defeated the European power Industrialization was like other places because they all started off slow and improved in the beginning to quickly improve and expand faster than ever