Chapter 6 terms Flashcards
Indian Ocean Commercial Network
Trade between East Africa Arabs Persians Indians malays, Chinese it was a vast trading network over oceans
Trading post empire
The Portuguese created this in the Indian Ocean and controlled commerce rather than territories and populations led by a king and require people to purchase a pass
Islands occupied by the Spanish with no king and organized in small chiefdoms that were very competitive
The new capital of the colonial Philippine islands the city had growing population and was diverse city with Spanish settlers Japanese and Chinese people
British East India Company
British entered the Indian Ocean Commerce as a private company with many merchant investors The Dutch and the British were fighting over the spice trade English established trading post empire in India
Dutch East India Company
Dutch enter the Indian Ocean Commerce as a private company to fight the British for the spice trade The Dutch established trading post Empire and Indonesia
Silver drain
China created a silver tax for trade routes which cost silver trade around the world The majority of the silver went to China The silver drain is where ships carried silver to China
Piece of 8
A Spanish coin made of silver is called a piece of eight used by merchants in North America Europe India Russia and West Africa
The city of Potosi is where the largest silver mine is located It arose from a landscape in the Andes it’s now called Bolivia, largest city in the americas
fur trade
With the little ice age first like beaver rabbits and deer were in demand The trade was competitive and the French were in St Louis the British in Hudson Bay and the Dutch along the Hudson River
soft gold
A nickname for the highly valued animal first located in Siberia which caused Russia to gain silver for the animal fur
trans atlantic slave system
12.5 million people were traded from African societies These people were taken and traded across the Atlantic in the middle passage into the Americas
african diaspora
This means the global spread of African people which caused issues with races which are still dealt with now
maroon societies/ palmares
When people fled slavery they went to maroon socieites which were free comunitites of former slaves formed in remote regions. Palmalres was in brazil the largest settlement
This is marriage between cross-cultured people such as African women in European men women involved in these signares became a wealthy with their own land in female slaves
A territorial state that is located in current day Nigeria very involved in trade and partially involved in slave trade
A neighboring kingdom to Benin located in current day Nigeria and was very involved in the slave trade under Royal Control in the 18th-19th century