chapter 5 terms Flashcards
Hernan cortez
A conquistador in Spanish assault he had forces with 1000 Spaniards
great dying
A spread of different diseases such as smallpox measles influenza and yellow fever
little ice age
A period of time in between the 13th through 19th century or temperatures were really low
general crisis
when the Little Ice Age happen it cause low temperatures in the southern hemisphere faced extreme conditions The saharan desert grew and caused droughts
colombian exchange
A large network of trade communication migration disease and transfer of plants and animals is connected Europe Africa south in North America
an economic theory which is that governments encourage exports in receiving precious metals they were markets for manufactured goods
Means mixed race people the products of union between Spanish many Indian woman
mixed race people the products of unions between European and African people
settler colonies
agricultural societies that had small scale farmers growing crops mostly Europeans
russian empire
Worlds largest state in 1480 Moscow trade city emerge from two centuries of Mongol rule located in christian dome expanded to tundra forest and Pacific Ocean
when people swore to the tsar they gave submission but they had to pay tribute
qing expansion
The qing dynasty took over central Eurasia making China more powerful The empire was being built and expanded
mughal empire
an empire in India which was a product of central Asian warriors who are Muslim Turks who claimed descendent from Genghis Khan
mughal emperor from 1556 to 1605 he commented the Hindu population
emperor of Mongol empire from 1658 to 1707 he reversed of Akbar‘s rules and allowed Hindu to practice Sati
ottoman empire
Created by church warrior groups the empire What is transformed from a small state to a large powerful empire which defended the faith
Ottoman people took children specifically young man from Christian families and sent them to service the state they converted to Islam and learn the turkeys fought in the military or civil administration