Chapter 80 - FEVAR Flashcards
First description of fenestrated EVAR
Off the shelf F/BEVAR devices
1) Cook p-branch 2) Cook t-branch 3) Gore excluder thoracoabdominal multibranch endoprosthesis 4) Cook ZFEN
pivot ability of the renal branch graft precanulated via ipsilateral side
off the shelf based on Cook TX2 4 downgoing axial branches sewn to thoracic component
two downward branch for SMA/celiac renals can be antegrade or retrograde oriented
Najuta graft
19 types of 3D stent skeleton and 8 types of fenestrations precurved endograft with preloaded catheters in all the fenestrations
Most common deployed arch branch graft
Cook arch branch device 200 implants
Mona LSA device
Medtronic valiant with single branch to LSA cuff can pivot
Size of sheath needed for the contralateral cannulation side for FEVAR/BEVAR
TAAA type 4 FEVAR results total compliactions mesenteric ischemia mortality renal failure and HD
major complications 15.7% mesenteric ischemia 4.5% mortality 4.1% renal failure 11.4% HD 1.9%
5 year survival after T/BEVAR for type 4 TAAA
Revisions for type 4 tevar
22% most for renal arteries
Type 2 and 3 TAAA FEVAR/BEVAR mortality spinal cord ischemia HD
Type 2 TAAA 7% Type 3 TAAA 3.5% mortality Spinal cord 4% HD 2.8%
Arch FEVAR mortality stroke
13.2% 15.8%
Types of branch graft endoleaks
1) component separation with main graft 2) component separation between two stents 3) stent fracture 4) stent dislocation
Duplex ultrasound criteria for renal branch stenosis/occlusion
TABLE 80.1

New modality to detect endoleak, aneurysm diameter and evaluation of target vessel after complex FEVAR
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS)