Chapter 42 - Cardiac complications Flashcards
Classification of post-op cardiac events
1) Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina, acute MI, sudden death 2) CHF 3) myocardial injury 4) life-threatening arrhythmias
Definition of MI
1) rise in cardiac troponin above 99th percentile of upper reference 2) signs/symptoms of MI: - chest pain - ST changes, LBBB - Q waves - loss of viable myocardium, new LV motion abnormalities
Proportion of MI that are STEMI vs NSTEMI
30/70 favor NSTEMI used to be 50/50
Type 1 MI
plaque rupture and thrombosis urgent treatment
Early mortality with STEMI
NSTEMI pathologic difference
Partial mural ischemia Smaller territory also supplied by collateral
Treatment for STEMI and NSTEMI
STEMI - urgent coronary intervention PCI NSTEMI - med first, if hemodynamic worsen or progression of symptom then PCI
Type 2 MI
imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand usually NSTEMI
Triggers for type 2 MI
1) prolonged tachycardia 2) hypotension/hypertension 3) anemia 4) emotional or physical stress
Rate of post-op MI in vascular surgery
24% troponitis 1% for STEMI
Subtypes of CHF
1) heart failure with reduced EF (HFrEF) = systolic heart failure: dilated due to MI, cardiomyopathy 2) heart failure with normal/preserved EF (HFpEF) = diastolic heart failure: prolonged hypertension, LVH, female> male 3) right ventricular failure: secondary to LV failure or lung disease (cor pulmonale)
Transfusion-associated cardiac overload
Life-threatening arrhythmias
1) ventricular tachycardia 2) ventricular fibrillation 3) high degree AV block
Type 3 MI
Sudden cardiac death
Cardiac morbidity and all cause mortality after open aortic, bypass, carotid and EVAR
Cardiac morbidity OPEN aorta: 2.9-14.8% EVAR: 1.3-2.9% Bypass 3.4-10.1% (higher in CLTI) Carotid 2.3-3.4% Mortality OPEN aorta: 2.5-6.2% EVAR 0.5-2.1% carotid 0.3%
RCRI associations
0 - 0.4% 1 - 0.9% 2 - 7% > 3 - 11%
RCRI score and VSGNE CRI score
TABLE 42.4

RCRI sen and spe
70% 55% not adequate
VSGNE CRI score correlation with cardiac event
0-3 - 3.1% 4 - 5% 5 - 6.8% >6 - 11.6% better than RCRI
BNP level and association
< 30 - 0.11 likelyhood ratio of cardiac event 30-116 - 3.6 > 116 - 6.4
Coronary artery prophylaxis (CARP) trial
1) 510 patients for major vascular surgery 2) 1+ coronary vessels > 70% stenosis randomized to PCI/cabg vs straight to vascular surgery 3) no difference in survival to 2.5 years CABG did better than PCI ones that had ischemia on MPI did better with revasc first
ACC/AHA statement on pre-op cardiac cath
1) do it if revasc is indicated 2) do not routinely revasc coronary only for purpose of reducing perioperative events
POISE trial on beta blocker use
benefit of non-fatal MI with beta blocker is at the expense of stroke and 30% more all-cause mortality
1) 10010 noncardiac surgery patients (5% had vascular) 2) ASA increased major bleed but did not improve death or MI)
ACE trial
Aspirin in carotid endarterectomy 1) ASA before CEA 2) ASA 81-325 lowered stroke, MI, death
ACC/AHA guideline on DAPT
1) elective surgery delay 30 d after BMS and 6 mth after DES (3 month minimum) 2) plavix if stopped must be restarted asap post-op and ASA continues
Algorithm for perioperative MI