Chapter 28 - MRI Flashcards
MRI key concept
1) Large external magnetic field generating magnetic field gradient
2) applied oscillating magnetic field (radiofrequency field)
3) makes proton in subject align parallel with external field
4) field define resonance frequency of proton
5) Fourier transform to produce MR image
T2 weight image
simple fluid urine, bile, CSF = bright
other tissue = lower signal
T1 weighted image
bright = fat, methemoglobin, flow effects, MRI contrast
Spin echo pulse sequence
vs gradient echo pulse sequence
spin = use radiofrequency alone to produce MR signal = T2 gradient = use RF applied to gradient = T1
Echo time and repetition time for T1 and T2
Long echo time > 80 ms
long repetition time ~few seconds
T1 short TE (< 1 ms) and short TR (hundre ms to < 10 ms)
Time of flight angiography
Use rapid T1 pulse sequence
Rapid single slice image causes protons within slice to lose magnetization
less signal from these protons and therefore not well visualized
as protons from outside the slice move, allow to visualize again
Non-contrast MRA techniques
1) time of flight
2) ECG-gated steady state free precession SSFP
3) ECG-gated arterial spin labeling (ASL)
4) navigator gated SSFP
5) half-fourier fast spin echo imaging HASTE with flow spoiled gradients
Key difference between CTA and MRA contrast
MRA does not image the agent itself but rather its effect on the surrounding protons
therefore a little agent can image a lot
Effect of chelation of gadolinium
1) Unbound form of gadolinium is toxic
2) potentiates T1 signal
3) at high doses potentiates T2
How to reduce metal artifact on MRI
1) metal artifact reduction sequence MARS
2) multiacquisition with variable resonance image combination MAVRIC
3) slice encoding metal artifact correction SEMAC
Methemoglobin and MRI
where do we see it
Clots can contain high amounts of methemoglobin
signal can be higher enough to show up on T1 images
Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
aka nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy
skin thickening, hyperpigmentation of extremity and trunk
organ fibrosis
Previous Zenith made of stainless steel could not be used but now ok with even up to 3T
Time to delay before using MRI on implanted metal stent/coil/filter
6-8 weeks
Benefit of 3T imaging
increase signal traded for decreased imaging time or increased spatial resolution
Specific absorption rate SAR define
Deposition of RF energy into the patient
Advantages of parallel imaging for MRI
1) faster imaging - less motion artifact
2) higher resolution in same acquisition time
3) lower SAR
4) improved image homogeneity
Disadvantages of parallel imaging for MRI
1) more expensive machine
2) increase image noise
3) image artifact specific to parallel imaging
Time-resolved MRA vs bolus chasing MRA
bolus chasing = moving table technique
chase contrast down the arteries
time-resolved = multiple rapid acquisition in same region
loss of spatial information for temporal resolution
Blood pool contrast agents
remain intravascular for extended period which allow higher resolution imaging
Types of blood pool contrast agents
1) gadolinium bound to macromolecules
2) ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide particles