Chapter 152 - Vena cava interruption Flashcards
First femoral vein ligation for VTE
1784 John Hunter
First ligation of IVC for VTE to prevent PE
1893 Bottini
Mobin-Uddin umbrella
1867 first IVC filter
silicone membrane with hole to allow blood flow
high IVC thrombosis rate
Greenfiled filter types and year of developent
1973 - original stainless steel
1989 - titanium
1995 - low profile stainless steel
most extensively studied filter
IVC filter design categories
1) Permanent - maximize secure fixation
2) Temporary filter - no fixation, needs wire or catheter to stay transcutaneous while its in
3) Convertible filter - can convert to a non-filtering state to remove the filter
4) Optional/retrievable filter - added features to allow removal
Stainless steel Greenfield filter
Manufacturer Material Design shape Approach Delivery catheter size Maximum caval diameter Maximum deployed length Design category
Boston Stainless steel Conical single tapper Fem/jug 12F 38mm 49mm permanent
Titanium Greenfield filter
Manufacturer Material Design shape Approach Delivery catheter size Maximum caval diameter Maximum deployed length Design category
Boston Titanium Conical single tapper Fem/jug 12F 28 mm 47 mm permanent
Simon nitinol filter
Manufacturer Material Design shape Approach Delivery catheter size Maximum caval diameter Maximum deployed length Design category
Bard Nitinol conical bilevel fem/jug/antecubital 7F 28 mm 38 mm permanent
Manufacturer Material Design shape Approach Delivery catheter size Maximum caval diameter Maximum deployed length Design category
Bard Nitinol conical bilevel fem/jug 8.4F 28 mm 50 mm permanent/optional
Vena Tech LP filter
Manufacturer Material Design shape Approach Delivery catheter size Maximum caval diameter Maximum deployed length Design category
B. Braun/Vena Tech Phynox conical single trap fem/jug 7F 28 mm 43 mm permanent
Vena Tech convertible
Manufacturer Material Design shape Approach Delivery catheter size Maximum caval diameter Maximum deployed length Design category
B Braun/Vena Tech Phynox conical single trap fem/jug 12.9 F 28 mm - missing permanent
TrapEase Filter
Manufacturer Material Design shape Approach Delivery catheter size Maximum caval diameter Maximum deployed length Design category
Cordis nitinol double basket fem/jug/antecubital 6F 30 mm 50 mm
OptEase filter
Manufacturer Material Design shape Approach Delivery catheter size Maximum caval diameter Maximum deployed length Design category
Cordis Nitinol double basket fem/jug/antecubital 6F 30 mm 54 mm permanent/optional
Bird’s nest filter
Manufacturer Material Design shape Approach Delivery catheter size Maximum caval diameter Maximum deployed length Design category
Cook Stainless steel variable fem/jug 12F 40 mm 80 mm permanent
Günter Tulip
Manufacturer Material Design shape Approach Delivery catheter size Maximum caval diameter Maximum deployed length Design category
Cook Conichrome conical single trap fem/jug 8.5F fem/7F jug 30 mm 50 mm permanent/optional
Celect platinum
Manufacturer Material Design shape Approach Delivery catheter size Maximum caval diameter Maximum deployed length Design category
Cook Conichrome conical single trap fem/jug 7F 30 mm 51 mm permanent/optional
ALN optional filter
Manufacturer Material Design shape Approach Delivery catheter size Maximum caval diameter Maximum deployed length Design category
ALN stainless steel conical fem/jug/brachial 7F 28 mm 55 mm permanent/optional
Option Elite
Manufacturer Material Design shape Approach Delivery catheter size Maximum caval diameter Maximum deployed length Design category
Argon medical nitinol conical fem/jug/antecubital/popliteal 6.5F 30 mm 56.5 mm permanent/optional
Crux vena cava filter
Manufacturer Material Design shape Approach Delivery catheter size Maximum caval diameter Maximum deployed length Design category
Philips volcano nitinol helical fem/jug 9F 17-28 mm depends on IVC diameter permanent/optional
IVC filter design that allow the least flow reduction with trapping clot
Single level conical design
Balance between self-centering and leg penetration
Self-centering requires more hooks
more hooks results in higher chance of leg penetration or incorporation
Evidence based guidelines for IVC insertion
CHEST guidelines
1) VTE with contraindication to AC
2) VTE with complications of AC
3) recurrent PE despite therapeutic AC
4) VTE with inability to achieve AC therapeutic level
Relative indications for IVC insertion without hard evidence
1) poor compliance of AC 2 free floating iliocaval thrombus 3) RCC with renal vein extension 4) thrombolysis/thrombectomy 5) VTE with limited cardiopulm reserve 6) VTE with high risk of AC complication 7) recurrent PE with pulm HTN 8) VTE in cancer, burn, pregnancy 9) VTE prophylaxis in high risk patients
Contraindication to IVC filter
1) chronically occluded VC
2) VC anomalies
3) inability to access VC
4) VC compression
5) no location for placement
VTE prophylaxis in high risk patients that may need IVC
1) high risk medical patient
2) high risk trauma patient
3) high risk bleeding patient
Complication with IVC filter for PE
fatal 0.7%
Mortality from insertion of IVC filter
Filter insertion complications
1) access site thrombosis 2-28%
2) migration 3-69%
3) VC penetration 9-24%
4) VC obstruction 6-30%
5) venous insufficiency 5-59%
6) filter fracture 1%
7) guide wire entrapment 1%
PREPIC prevention of recurrent PE by VC interruption
1) 400 patients with proximal DVT
2) heparin vs enox
3) +/- filter
4) lower PE with filter 12 days
5) higher DVT with filter 2 years
6) no difference in PTS
PREPIC-2 trial
1) hospitalized patients with acute PE
2) retrievable filter + AC vs AC alone
3) no difference in recurrent PE
Retrieval time for Gunther Tulip
Gunther tulip 20 days
OptEAse 14 days
Celect 52 weeks
Rate of success filter retrieval at 1 3 and 12 months
1 month 99%
3 months 94%
12 months 37%
Indication for using retrievable filters
1) no indication for permanent filter
2) risk of PE low
3) return to high risk VTE not anticipated
4) life expectancy long enough to see benefit of removal
5) filter can be removed safely
IVC filter placement in pregnant patient special considerations
Place in suprarenal IVC due to compression in third trimester
also IJ approach safer
Segments of the IVC anatomy
1) hepatic
2) suprarenal
3) renal
4) infrarenal
Origin of the IVC level
Confluence of iliac veins at L4, L5
Renal veins drain into IVC at this level
Which renal vein is more cephalic
Left renal
Left gonadal vein drains into
Left renal vein
Right gonadal vein drains into
Right renal vein or IVC
IVC in relation to pancreas
posterior to head of pancreas and posterior to liver
Where do the hepatic veins join IVC
Join at the infrahepatic VC before going under right crus
Hepatic veins names
1) left
2) middle
3) right
4) caudate
IVC anomalies
1) Renal vein anomalies 5-7% (retroaortic or circumaortic left renal vein, multiple renal veins)
2) IVC transposition 0.2-0.5%; left IVC drains to left renal vein then crosses to right IVC
3) duplication IVC: 0.2-0.3%; left usually smaller and joins left renal vein to drain into right IVC
4) IVC agenesis: renal segment of IVC drain into azygos system and right atrium via SVC
IVC agenesis associated with
1) Dextrocardia
2) atrial septal defect
3) pulmonary artery stenosis
4) visceral anomalies
IVC agenesis embryology failure
Right subcardinal vein fail to anastomose with hepatic sinusoid
Imaging modality to guide IVC filter placement
1) venography
3) transabdominal US
Additional techniques to free up IVC attachments in retrieval
1) sheathing
2) balloon dislodgment
3) snare
4) bronchoscopic forceps
Risk of PE with UEDVT
Special considerations for SVC filter insertion
1) have to flip the jug/ij device use
2) only IVC filters available for use
Rate of duplicated SVC
Cut off size of SVC for filter insertion
28 mm
Indication for SVC filter insertion
2) anticoagulation not possible