Chapter 46 - Graft thrombosis Flashcards
1 year natural course after below knee graft failure
50% major amputation 25% rest pain 15% dead
Technical error rate that contributes to early graft thrombosis
Patency definitions
Primary patency: patent without any intervention Primary assisted: pre-emptive intervention to maintain but never thrombosed Secondary: thrombosed but brought back
Ways to assess adequacy of bypass post-op
1) arteriography (con: 2D, misses proximal, contrast) 2) ultrasound (cannot see new PTFE and dacron) 3) angioscope (potential to injury vessel) 4) IVUS (most accurate but costly) 5) pressure measurement 6) plethysmography 7) transcutaneous oxygen tension
Factors associated with early graft failure
NSQIP 1) younger age < 60 yo 2) african american 3) crural target 4) HD 5) smk 6) small vein diameter <3 mm 7) non compliance with graft surveillance 8) higher BMI 0) diabetes
Percentage of vascular reconstructions that will have some restenosis or eventual occlusion
50% need surveillance
5 elements critical for sustained function of arterial recon
1) inflow 2) outflow 3) conduit 4) operative technique 5) coag profile
Classification of graft failure by time interval, etiology and associated treatment
TABLE 46.2

Early graft thrombosis < 30 days rate of technical error
used to be 25% now 10% due to improve completion imaging
Rate of thrombolysed vein graft extended patency at 1 year
Rate of surgical vein graft thrombectomy restenosis rate 1 month; patency 1 year
39% stenosis at 1 month 47% secondary patency 1 year
Graft patency in > 1 year before thrombosis and in patient without diabetes, 2 year patency after thrombolysis