Chapter 8 - Tests Flashcards
Test for PKU (6)
- newborn screening2. Guthrie Test3. Automated Technique4. Ferric Chloride5. Phenistix6. HPLC
PKU:most well known-positive: bacterial culture
Guthrie test
PKU:positive for Ferric Chloride Test
PKU:Phenistix (+)
Blue-gray to green-gray
PKU:reference method
Tyrosinuria Tests: (4)
- Nitrosonaphthol Test2. Millon’s Test3. Ferric Chloride test4. Phenistix
Tyrosinuria Tests:Nitrosonapthol color-specificity
Tyrosinuria Tests:Millon’s TestColorreagent
red precipitateMercury in conc. HNO3
Tyrosinuria Tests:Ferric Chloridecolor
transient green
Tyrosinuria Tests:Phenistixcolor
transient green
Melanuria tests:Ferric chloridecolor
gray or black precipitate
Alkaptonuria test: (4)
- Ferric chloride2. Benedict’s test3. Chromatography4. capillary electrophoresis
Alkaptonuria tests:confirmatory tests (2)
chromotographycapillary electrophoresis
Alkaptonuria tests:ferric chloridecolor
transient deep blue
Alkaptonuria tests:benedict’s or clinitest
yellow precipitate
Maple Syrup Urine Disease Test:(6)
- Modified Guthrie test2. DNPH3. Amino acid chromatography4. Ferric chloride5. Nitroso-napthol6. Acetest
Maple Syrup Urine Disease Test:DNPHcolor
yellow turbidity or precipitate
Maple Syrup Urine Disease Test:confirmatory
amino acid chromatography
Maple Syrup Urine Disease Test:ferric chloridecolor
Maple Syrup Urine Disease Test:nitro-napthol
Maple Syrup Urine Disease Test:acetest
Methylamolnic Acidemia screening test and color
p-nitroaniline test - emerald green
5-HydroxyIndoleacetic Acid Tests:(2)
- Ferric Chloride2. Sjoerdsma Test
5-HydroxyIndoleacetic Acid Tests:recommended specimen
first morning urine - prevent false-negative results
5-HydroxyIndoleacetic Acid Tests:bananas, pineappples, tomatoesmedications: phenothiazines acetanilids.
Diet: food not allowed - rich in serotonin
5-HydroxyIndoleacetic Acid Tests:Ferric chloridecolor
5-HydroxyIndoleacetic Acid Tests:Sjoerdmsa test-principle-color
1-nitroso-2-naphthol- purple to black
Indicanuria tests: (3)
- Obermayer’s Test2. Jaffe’s test3. Jolle’s test
Cystinuria:- more probable stone formers of the 2 modes of inheritance
4 amino acid reabsorption problem
Cystinosis Test: (2)
- cyanide-nitroprusside 2. Clinitest
Cystinuria tests:cyanide-nitroprussidecolor
Cystinuria tests:clinitest
Homocystinuria test:(3)
- newborn screening - mod. Guthrie2. Cyanide-nitropruside 3. silver nitroprusside
Homocystinuria test:Cyanide-nitroprussidecolorspecificity
Homocystinuria test:sliver nitroprussidecolorspecificity
red purple-follow-up test after positive cyanide-nitropruside=fresh urine should be used
Porphyria Test: (2)
- Ehrlich2. Fluorescence under UV 550-600 nm
Porphyria Test:Fluorsecencecolor
violet, pink or red
Mucopolysaccharide Disorder tests:acid-albumincolor
white precipitate
Mucopolysaccharide Disorder tests:CTAB color
white precipitate
Mucopolysaccharide Disorder tests:metachromatic staining spot test
blue dye cannot be washed
Purine Disorder-Urine colortexture
Orange sand in diapers = uric acid
Glactose and Fructose test:result- dipstick- clinitest
-dipstick = (-)-clinitest/copper reduction = (+)