Chapter 6: 2.3 - Casts Flashcards
- a glycoprotein excreted by the RTE cells of the DCT and upper collecting duct.
Tamm - Horsfall protein
constituents of casts: (3)
Tamm-Horsfall protein
Degenerative progression of casts:
hyaline > cellular > granular: coarse and fine > waxy
Detection of casts:
average casts / lpfs
10 casts / lpfs
Detection of casts:
low-power objective
reduced light intensity = low refrative index
edges of coverslip = weight
Gelling of Tamm-Horsfall proteing occurs more readily under what conditions? (3)
- urine flow stasis
- acidity
- presence of abnormal ionic or protein costituents (sodium/ calcium)
In what conditions does casts dissolve
alkaline urine
neutral urine with SG of =< 1.003
Other name for Tamm-Horsfall protein
what do you call casts that are formed at the junction of the ascending loop of Henle and DCT
Cylindroid - tapered end
What is the major constituent of casts?
Tamm-Horsfall proteins
when is the production of Tamm-Horsfall protein increased
under stress and exercise (provides immunologic prtection from infection)
where are casts produced? (2)
DCT and/ or Collecting duct