Chapter 8 Pt 2 Flashcards
The arrest of cell division that occurs when cells grown in a laboratory dish touch one another.
Density-dependent inhibition
In an organism that reproduces sexually, a cell containing two homologous sets of chromosomes, one set inherited from each parent; a 2n cell
Diploid cell
Repetition of part of a chromosome resulting from fusion with a fragment from a homologous chromosome; can result from an error in meiosis or from mutagenesis.
The union of the nucleus of a sperm cell with the nucleus of an egg cell, producing a zygote.
The production, by crossing over and/or independent assortment of chromosomes during
meiosis, of offspring with allele combinations different from those in the parents.
Genetic recombination
These structures are of the same length, centromere position, and staining pattern and possess genes for the same characteristics at corresponding loci. One of the chromosomes is inherited from the organism’s father, the other from the mother.
Homologous chromosomes
The period in the eukaryotic cell cycle when the cell is not actually dividing. This phase constitutes the majority of the time spent in the cell cycle.
A change in a chromosome resulting from reattachment of a chromosome fragment to the original chromosome, but in a reverse direction. Mutagens and errors during meiosis can cause inversions.
A display of micrographs of the metaphase chromosomes of a cell, arranged by size and centromere position.
A type of cancer of the blood-forming tissues, characterized by an excessive production of white blood cells and an abnormally high number of them in the blood; cancer of the bone marrow cells that produce leukocytes.
The particular site where a gene is found on a chromosome. Homologous chromosomes have corresponding gene exact locations.
The spread of cancer cells beyond their original site.
The division of a single nucleus into two genetically identical daughter nuclei. This phase and cytokinesis
make up the M phase of the cell cycle.
The part of the cell cycle when the nucleus is divided (via mitosis), its chromosomes are distributed to the daughter nuclei, and the cytoplasm divided (via cytokinesis), producing two daughter cells.
Mitotic (M) phase
A football-shaped structure formed of microtubules and associated proteins that is involved in the movements of chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis.
Mitotic spindle